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ng capabil

페이지 정보

작성자 Daniel 조회조회 25회 작성일 24-10-26 20:01


브레이크뉴스 박동제 기자= 소속사 하이브 레이블 빅히트뮤직은 14일 “지민의... Prior to the release of the new album, the music videoteaserfor the title song ‘Who’ will be released on...
멤버지민이 마칭 밴드의 일원으로 변신했다”고 밝혔다.지민은 7일 0시(이하... videoteaserfor the title song ‘Who’ will be released sequentially on the 17th. ‘MUSE’ is Jimin’s new...
멤버지민의 유쾌한 세레나데가 오늘 드디어 베일을 벗는다"고 밝혔다.지민은... On the 27th, a track videoteasercontaining two shots of Loco and Jimin was released, raising fans...
thisteaser, drawing even more enthusiastic responses. The video goes from Loco sitting alone to Jimin lightly shaking his body while pointing at him with his finger. Jimin and Loco,whosurrender themselves to the...
멤버지민의 솔로 2집 MUSE 프로모션 일정이 공개됐다"고 밝혔다. 19일 0시(이하... videoteaserfor the title song will be released on July 17th. Finally, MUSE will be released to the world...
한편, 방탄소년단(BTS / RM, 진, 슈가, 제이홉,지민, 뷔, 정국)은 지난해 12월... ‘strangerwhodoesn’t fit in,’ and is filled with a total of 11 songs. The music videoteaserfor ‘LOST!’...
‘strangerwhodoesn’t fit in,’ and is filled with 11 songs in the alternative genre. The albums tracklist will be released on the 18th, the title track poster on the 21st, and the title song music videoteaseron...
한편, 방탄소년단(BTS / RM, 진, 슈가, 제이홉,지민, 뷔, 정국)은 지난해 12월... On the 7th and 9th, the track poster and music videoteaservideo of the pre-released song will be released, and the...
V,whohas been recognized for his outstanding capabilities as a solo artist through Layover, will show with this new song. V plans to release various contents such as concept photos andteaservideos that can give an...
한편, 방탄소년단(BTS / RM, 진, 슈가, 제이홉,지민, 뷔, 정국)은 지난 11일 RM·뷔가... ateaserof the p
엄궁 더샵 모델하우스erformance video for the title song ‘Standing Next to You’ from his solo album...
멤버지민이 선공개곡 ‘Set Me Free Pt.2’의 발표를 예고했다”고 밝혔다.지민은... Jimin plans to sequentially release the music videoteaservideo for ‘Set Me Free Pt.2’ on the 15th and the...
제이홉,지민, 뷔, 정국) 멤버 제이홉이 솔로 싱글을 새롭게 발표하며 전 세계... Through the music vi


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