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증례로 보는 유방영상학 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 60,000원 10%↓
  • 판매가 : 54,000원
  • 적립금 : 500원
  • 저자명 : 오기근
  • 출판사 : 일조각
  • PAGE : 390
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2008-02-20
  • ISBN : 9788933705339

선택된 옵션

  • 총 금액 :
    주문 수량
보관함 담기위시리스트

도서 소개

상품 상세설명

이 책은 한국 유방영상학의 권위자인 오기근 교수를 중심으로 총 23명의 유방영상학 전문가들이 임상에서 경험하고 해결한 방법을 문제집 형식으로 엮은 유방영상학 증례집이다. 집필진이 엄선한 182개의 증례들을 레벨에 따라 1, 2, 3단계로 나누어 구성했다. 단계가 올라갈수록 문제가 어려워지기 때문에, 독자들은 해결하기 쉬운 레벨부터 어려운 레벨까지 차근차근 이해해 나갈 수 있다

도서 목차

상품 상세설명

case 1 Breast Tissue Pattern
case 2 Principle of Mammographic Interpretation
case 3 Mammographic Positioning
case 4 Mammogram: Mass BI-RADS
case 5 Mammogram: Calcification BI-RADS
case 6 Magnification View
case 7 Valley View
case 8 Exaggerated Craniocaudal View
case 9 Collimation
case 10 Underexposure
case 11 Importance of Compression on Mammogram
case 12 Rationale of Screening Mammography
case 13 Mammography: Labelling
case 14 Sonography: Labelling
case 15 Intramammary Lymph Node
case 16 Inverted Nipple
case 17 Ultrasound: Gain Adjustment
case 18 Ultrasound: Focal Zone
case 19 Ultrasound: Pseudotumor, Rib
case 20 Ultrasound: Pseudotumor, Isolated Fat
case 21 Accessory Breast
case 22 Ultrasound BI-RADS: Benign
case 23 Ultrasound BI-RADS: Malignant
case 24 Cyst
case 25 Oil Cyst
case 26 Lipoma
case 27 Hamartoma
case 28 Fibroadenoma
case 29 Juvenile Fibroadenoma
case 30 Epidermal Cyst
case 31 Vascular Calcification
case 32 Popcorn-like Calcification
case 33 Calcification: Distribution
case 34 Round Calcifications
case 35 Malignant Calcifications
case 36 Ductal Carcinoma in situ: Microcalcifications
case 37 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma: Spiculated Mass
case 38 Gynecomastia
case 39 Asymmetry
case 40 Normal Galactogram
case 41 Quality Control
case 42 Focal Asymmetry: True Mass
case 43 Focal Asymmetry: Normal
case 44 Comparison of Film Mammography with Digital Mammography
case 45 Weight Loss: Effect on Mammogram
case 46 Hormone Replacement Treatment: Effect on Mammogram
case 47 Mammographic Artifact I
case 48 Mammographic Artifact II
case 49 Mammographic Artifact: Film-Screen
case 50 Mole
case 51 Phantom Image
case 52 Foreign Body: Retained Drain
case 53 BB Marker
case 54 Triangulation
case 55 Role of Mammography for the Evaluation of Palpable Mass
case 56 Chest Wall Mass
case 57 Compound Imaging
case 58 Elastography
case 59 Screening Ultrasound
case 60 Abscess
case 61 Abscess Treatment
case 62 Chest Wall Tuberculosis
case 63 Sternalis Muscle
case 64 Mondor’s Disease(Superficial Thrombophlebitis of the Breast)
case 65 Lactating Breast
case 66 Galactocele
case 67 Steatocystoma Multiplex
case 68 Axillary Lymphadenopathy: Tuberculosis
case 69 Rheumatoid Arthritis: LN Enlargement
case 70 Fat Necrosis
case 71 Hematoma
case 72 Lactating Adenoma
case 73 Granulomatous Lobular Mastitis
case 74 Focal Fibrosis
case 75 Hemangioma
case 76 Benign Phyllodes Tumor
case 77 Malignant Phyllodes Tumor
case 78 Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
case 79 Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
case 80 Inflammatory Breast Cancer
case 81 Unilateral Breast Edema: Congestive Heart Failure
case 82 Galactogram of Papilloma
case 83 Management of Papilloma
case 84 Bloody Nipple Discharge
case 85 Secretory Calcification
case 86 Milk of Calcium Calcification
case 87 Skin Calcification
case 88 Malignant Calcifications: Evaluation of the Extent
case 89 Comparison of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy with Core Biopsy
case 90 Importance of Old Films
case 91 Interval Cancer
case 92 Paget’s Disease
case 93 Category 5 Lesion
case 94 Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
case 95 Tubular Carcinoma
case 96 Bilateral Breast Cancer
case 97 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma: Cystic Change
case 98 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma: Circumscribed Margin
case 99 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma: Multifocal and Multicentric
case 100 Extensive Intraductal Component
case 101 Metastatic Breast Cancer
case 102 Stable Malignancy
case 103 Complex Echoic Mass: Malignancy
case 104 Well Circumscribed Malignancy
case 105 Mucinous Carcinoma
case 106 Developing Asymmetry
case 107 Distortion: Benign
case 108 Distortion: Malignancy
case 109 Scar: Importance of Old Films
case 110 False Negative Mammogram
case 111 Breast Mass after Renal Transplantation
case 112 Breast Mass during Childhood
case 113 Chest Wall Mass Faced in Breast Sonography
case 114 Male Breast Cancer
case 115 Evaluation of Breast Pain
case 116 Pseudoangiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia of the Breast(PASH)
case 117 Palpable Mass: Normal Mammogram and Sonogram
case 118 Benign Mass in Axilla
case 119 Medullary Carcinoma
case 120 Papillary Carcinoma
case 121 Transrectus Abdominis Myocutaneous Flap Reconstruction
case 122 Transrectus Abdominis Myocutaneous Flap: Dystrophic Calcification
case 123 Reduction Mammoplasty: Dystrophic Calcification
case 124 Implant: Mammography and Ultrasound
case 125 Implant: MR
case 126 Interstitial Mammoplasty
case 127 Breast MR: BI-RADS
case 128 MR: Evaluation of Extent of Malignancy
case 129 MR: Ductal Carcinoma in situ
case 130 MR: Chest Wall Involvement
case 131 Ultrasoud-guided Core Biopsy
case 132 US-guided Directional Vacuum-assisted Biopsy for Mass
case 133 US-guided Directional Vacuum-assisted Biopsy for Calcifications
case 134 Cyst Aspiration
case 135 Mammogram-guided Needle Localization
case 136 US-guided Needle Localization
case 137 Imaging-Pathologic Concordance
case 138 Imaging-Pathologic Discordance
case 139 Delayed False Negative Biopsy
case 140 Biopsy Report
case 141 Category 3 Microcalcification Follow-up
case 142 Management of Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia
case 143 Breast Conservation Treatment: Rationale
case 144 Breast Conservation Treatment: Mammographic and Sonographic Change
case 145 Recurrence after Breast Conservation Surgery
case 146 Internal Mammary Lymph Node
case 147 Target/Filter
case 148 Metallic Density
case 149 Migrating Foreign Body Granuloma
case 150 Mucocele-like tumor
case 151 Sparganosis
case 152 Columnar Cell Lesion
case 153 Spiculated Mass: Radial Scar
case 154 Granular Cell Tumor
case 155 Diabetic Mastopathy
case 156 Leukemic Infiltration of the Breast
case 157 Lupus Mastitis
case 158 Unusually Asymmetric Venous Engorgement
case 159 Breast Cancer after Radiation Treatment due to Lymphoma
case 160 Occult Breast Carcinoma with Lymph Node Metastasis
case 161 Bilateral Breast Cancer: MR and Second Look Sonography
case 162 Lymphangitic Metastasis
case 163 Sarcoma
case 164 Lymphoma
case 165 Ductal Carcinoma in situ Presenting as a Mass
case 166 Pregnancy-associated Breast Cancer
case 167 Computer-aided Detection
case 168 Breast Cancer in Interstitial Mammoplasty
case 169 Subdivision of Category 4
case 170 Milk Fistula after Core Biopsy in Lactating Breast
case 171 Satisfaction of Search
case 172 Management of Lobular Carcinoma in situ
case 173 Stereotactic Biopsy
case 174 Specimen Mammography of US-guided Biopsy Specimen
case 175 Specimen Mammography of Needle Localization Biopsy Specimen
case 176 Paraffin Block Radiography
case 177 Carcinoma Arising from the Axillary Accessory Breast
case 178 Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
case 179 Suspicious Mass and Axillary Node
case 180 Chest Wall Recurrence
case 181 Supraclavicular Lymph Node Metastasis
case 182 Breast Incidentaloma on Positron Emission Tomography(PET)


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