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Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Orthopaedic Oncology and Complex Reconstruction > 의학

Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Orthopaedic Oncology and Complex Reconstruction 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 310,000원 12%↓
  • 판매가 : 270,000원
  • 적립금 : 5,000원
  • 저자명 : Franklin H Sim MD, Kristy L Weber MD
  • 출판사 : LWW
  • PAGE : 608
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2011/11/01
  • ISBN : 9781608310432

선택된 옵션

  • 총 금액 :
    주문 수량
보관함 담기위시리스트

도서 소개

상품 상세설명

Hardcover - 608 pages,

Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Orthopaedic Oncology and Complex Reconstruction focuses on bone and soft tissue tumors, which are among the most challenging problems for orthopaedic surgeons to manage. The book is broad in scope and includes coverage of massive reconstruction following trauma. The international authorship includes outstanding surgeons from Germany, Austria, Italy, Australia, and Great Britain in addition to the United States.

The contributors describe their preferred techniques in step-by-step detail, point out pertinent anatomy, and offer pearls and tips for improving results. The book is thoroughly illustrated with full-color, sequential, surgeon's-eye view intraoperative photographs, as well as drawings by noted medical illustrators.

- Concise presentation of the information
- Each section set up with a chapter on general considerations pertinent to that area
- Extremely well illustrated
- How-to-do-it surgical management
- Outstanding international authors

도서 목차

상품 상세설명


Section 1: Pelvis

Chapter 1: General Considerations
Peter F.M. Choong

Chapter 2: Iliofemoral Pseudarthrosis and Arthrodesis
Niccola Fabbri

Chapter 3: Allograft Prosthetic Composite
Peter F.M. Choong

Chapter 4: Prosthesis
Prof. Dr. Martin Dominkus

Chapter 5: Saddle Prosthesis
Kristy L. Weber

Chapter 6: Anterior Flap Extended Hemipelvectomy and Spinopelvic Arthrodesis
Andreas F. Mavrogenis, Michael J. Yaszemski, and Franklin H. Sim

Chapter 7: Periacetabular Metastasis
Peter F.M. Choong


Section II: Sacrum

Chapter 8: Sacrectomy
Peter S. Rose


Section III: Proximal Femur

Chapter 9: General Considerations
Peter F.M. Choong

Chapter 10: Megaprosthesis for Non-Neoplastic Conditions of the Proximal Femur
Jay Parvizi

Chapter 11: Megaprosthesis
Peter F.M. Choong

Chapter 12: Allograft Prosthesis Composite Replacement for Bone Tumors of the Proximal Femur
George C. Babis, Vasileios I. Sakellariou, and Franklin H. Sim

Chapter 13: Internal Fixation/Metastatic Bone Disease
Timothy A. Damron


Section IV: Distal Femur

Chapter 14: General Considerations
Peter F.M. Choong

Chapter 15: Megaprosthesis of the Knee for Non-Neoplastic Conditions
Bryan D. Springer and Franklin H. Sim

Chapter 16: Megaprosthesis
Kristy L. Weber

Chapter 17: Distal Femur Osteoarticular Allograft
D. Luis Muscolo, Miguel A. Ayerza, and Luis A. Aponte-Tinao

Chapter 18: Distal Femur Allograft Prosthetic Composite
D. Luis Muscolo, Miguel A. Ayerza, and Luis A. Aponte-Tinao

Chapter 19: Arthrodesis of the Knee
Christopher Beauchaump

Chapter 20: Proximal Tibia/Megaprosthesis
Mario Mercuri and Costantino Errani

Chapter 21: Transepiphyseal Intercalary Resection and Reconstruction
D. Luis Muscolo, Miguel A. Ayerza, and Luis A. Aponte-Tinao

Chapter 22: Internal Fixation/Metastatic Bone Disease
David Jacofsky


Section V: Ankle

Chapter 23: General Considerations
Peter F.M. Choong

Chapter 24: Arthrodesis
Norman S. Turner, III

Chapter 25: Surgical Technique of Prosthetic Replacement Around the Distal Tibia for Tumor
Roger Tillman



Section VI: Shoulder

Chapter 26: General Considerations
Kristy L. Weber

Chapter 27: Anterior Flap Extended Hemipelvectomy and Spinopelvic Arthrodesis
Panayiotis J. Papgelopoulos, Andreas F. Mavrogenis, Michael J. Yaszemski, and Franklin H. Sim

Chapter 28: Distal Radius Osteoarticular Composite
D. Luis Muscolo, Miguel A. Ayerza, and Luis A. Aponte-Tinao

Chapter 29: Allograft Prosthetic Composite
Joaquin Sanchez-Sotello

Chapter 30: Arthrodesis
Mary I. O'Connor

Chapter 31: Megaprosthesis (Total Humerus)
Kristy L. Weber

Chapter 32: Intercalary Prosthesis in Reconstruction of Humeral Defects
Timothy A. Damron

Chapter 33: Internal Fixation/Metastatic Bone Disease
Kristy L. Weber


Section VII: Elbow

Chapter 34: General Considerations
Kristy L. Weber

Chapter 35: Massive Bone Loss About the Elbow
Bernard F. Morrey and Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo

Chapter 36: Proximal Humerus Osteoarticular Allograft
D. Luis Muscolo, Miguel A. Ayerza, and Luis A. Aponte-Tinao


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