Encompassing all anesthesia topics from basic to advanced, Miller’s Anesthesia Review, 3rd Edition, by Drs. Lorraine M. Sdrales and Ronald D. Miller, is an ideal study guide to assess your knowledge and deepen your understanding. This easy-to-use resource is conveniently cross-referenced to the newest edition of Miller & Pardo: Basics of Anesthesia. Hundreds of questions cover everything from physiologic and pharmacologic principles through anesthetic machine systems, anesthetic delivery in a variety of settings, and anesthesia administration for a full range of disease states.
Provides immediate feedback with detailed answers to each question at the end of every chapter, cross-referenced to specific pages in Basics of Anesthesia.
Brings you fully up to date with revised questions throughout, progressing logically from basic to advanced topics.
Covers hot topics such as Implantable Cardiac Pulse Generators, Anesthesia for Robotic Surgery, Perioperative Blindness, Human Performance and Patient Safety, and Civil, Chemical, and Biological Warfare.
Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, Q&As, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
1. Scope of Anesthesia Practice
2. Anesthesia Information Systems
3. Basic Pharmacologic Principles
4. Clinical Cardiac and Pulmonary Pharmacology
5. Autonomic Nervous System
6. Inhaled Anesthetics
7. Intravenous Anesthetics
8. Opioids
9. Local Anesthetics
10. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
11. Anesthesia Neurotoxicity
12. Preoperative Evaluation and Medication
13. Choice of Anesthetic Technique
14. Anesthesia Delivery Systems
15. Airway Management
16. Spinal, Epidural, and Caudal Anesthesia
17. Peripheral Nerve Blocks
18. Positioning and Associated Risks
19. Anesthetic Monitoring
20. Acid-Base Balance and Blood Gas Analysis
21. Hemostasis
22. Fluid Management
23. Blood Therapy
24. Cardiovascular Disease
25. Congenital Heart Disease
26. Chronic Pulmonary Disease and Thoracic Anesthesia
27. Renal, Liver, and Biliary Tract Disease
28. Nutritional, Gastrointestinal, and Endocrine Disease
29. Central Nervous System Disease
30. Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
31. Orthopedics
32. Obstetrics
33. Pediatrics
34. Elderly Patients
35. Organ Transplantation
36. Outpatient Surgery
37. Non-Operating Room Anesthesia Care
38. Postanesthesia Recovery
39. Perioperative Pain Management
40. Critical Care Medicine
41. Anesthesia for Trauma
42. Natural and Human-Induced Disasters
43. Chronic Pain Management
44. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
45. Awareness under Anesthesia
46. Quality and Patient Safety
47. Palliative Care
48. Sleep Medicine
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