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  • 정가 : 55,000원 0%↓
  • 판매가 : 55,000원
  • 적립금 : 0원
  • 저자명 : Samir, Md Mehta, Edmund A., Md Milder, Adam J., MD Mirarchi
  • 출판사 : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • PAGE : 419
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 0000-00-00
  • ISBN : 0781730449

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상품 상세설명

Step-Up to the Bedside, the second book in a series from the authors of Step-Up: A High-Yield Systems Based Review for the USMLE Step 1 Exam, is a compilation of 75 clinically-oriented cases. These cases provide basic science coverage of relevant material that is frequently tested on USMLE Step 1. Each case is introduced by the patient's presenting complaint, a brief history, physical, and laboratory data. A differential diagnosis provides a means to synthesize the historical and physical data. Final diagnosis is offered. Lavishly illustrated, the cases are also interspersed with "Quick Hits" or brief bullets that provide additional information

도서 목차

상품 상세설명

Abbreviation Key
Case 1 "I start to feel weak early into my exercise program or when I lift weights. Also, occasionally, my urine is red." 1
Case 2 "Doctor, my vaginal area is very itchy." 6
Case 3 "I've fallen and I think I might have broken my hip again." 10
Case 4 "Over the past 2 weeks, I've had really bad back pains, especially when I walk or bend over. I've also been feeling tired." 16
Case 5 "I've had a high fever for a few days and have been coughing up a lot of greenish-red mucus. Now my chest hurts." 23
Case 6 "My 5-year-old son coughs constantly, and he's small for his age." 31
Case 7 "Over the past few months, I've been feeling increasingly tired and out of breath. Recently, I've been walking stiffly and falling down a lot." 37
Case 8 "One of my testicles has a lump on it." 45
Case 9 "I have been having a lot of heartburn after I eat. Now, when I lay down, I get a sour taste in the back of my throat." 48
Case 10 "My child has been drinking a lot and now can't keep anything down. She's also complaining that her stomach hurts." 53
Case 11 "I got tackled hard, and I think I broke my arm." 61
Case 12 "I'm having bad stomach cramps and diarrhea with blood and mucus." 66
Case 13 "I have severe pain in my lower back, and it really hurts when I pee." 72
Case 14 "My toe has hurt so badly over the past 2 days that I can't sleep at night. Nothing helps at all!" 78
Case 15 "I have a funny-looking, pinkish bump on my nose that keeps growing. It has recently started bleeding every once in a while for no particular reason." 83
Case 16 "I found a lump in my breast while I was in the shower last week." 89
Case 17 "It is really hard to breathel" 96
Case 18 "For months now I've been having diarrhea and hot flashes. Lately, I've been having trouble catching my breath." 103
Case 19 "My husband attacked me." 107
Case 20 "I get fatigued easily, I'm losing weight, and I'm nauseated often." 111
Case 21 "I have a headache, my appetite is decreased, and I can't sleep well anymore." 116
Case 22 "When I urinate, it hurts and burns." 120
Case 23 "I've had it! I keep gaining weight and I've got acne and facial hair. You've got to do something." 124
Case 24 "I have a bump on my neck, and I've lost 20 lbs in 3 months." 129
Case 25 "I can't feel or move the right side of my body or the left side of my face." 134
Case 26 "I sometimes get bad nosebleeds and tend to bleed a lot during my periods." 141
Case 27 "My stomach pain has worsened, I can't see straight anymore, and it hurts when I urinate." 148
Case 28 "My girlfriend thinks her neighbors are blow-up dolls and that someone is going to kidnap her." 154
Case 29 "My husband can barely breathe. He's been restless and complaining of stiffness. This morning he couldn't open his mouth." 160
Case 30 "I'm here for my yearly check-up." 169
Case 31 "I think I'm finally pregnant." 174
Case 32 "I've been having bad stomach pains. My stomach seems bigger, even though I've lost some weight recently." 180
Case 33 "I'm throwing up a lot of blood!" 184
Case 34 "My abdomen is hurting more and more, and I feel like I'm going to vomit." 189
Case 35 "Who are you? Why am I here?" 194
Case 36 "I'm having chest pain." 200
Case 37 "My left side really hurts, and my urine is red." 208
Case 38 "I can't breathe when I'm running." 213
Case 39 "I keep waking up at night with cold sweats, and I've been coughing up blood." 221
Case 40 "My child has been very irritable and has been holding his ear." 226
Case 41 "My knuckles hurt. The pain has gotten worse in the past several months."?/TD> 231
Case 42 "My baby's skin turns blue when he's playing. He also seems to squat frequently" 236
Case 43 "My baby's face looks strange, and he keeps sticking his tongue out. What's wrong?" 242
Case 44 "I feel very run down and I've been losing weight." 249
Case 45 "I feel healthy, but I don't understand why I haven't had a period in almost 1 year." 256
Case 46 "I've started coughing up blood!" 264
Case 47 "I've had terrible throbbing headaches, and now I can't see out of my right eye." 270
Case 48 "I'm very tired and feverish, my knees are swollen, I can't concentrate, and I've had this rash on my face all summer." 277
Case 49 "My stomach hurts so much; I can't stand it!" 284
Case 50 "My throat really hurts, I have a bad cough, and I'm really hot." 287
Case 51 "I get a pain right below my sternum a few hours after eating." 293
Case 52 "I'm having pain in my right side." 296
Case 53 "My son's hands and feet are swollen and he is in a lot of pain." 302
Case 54 "I've been more tired recently, I'm weak, and there's a little bit of blood in my stool." 311
Case 55 "I feel out of it, and I've been vomiting." 316
Case 56 "My body is swelling." 322
Case 57 "My daughter is complaining of pain in her crotch and has been acting very strange lately." 326
Case 58 "My skin is turning yellow." 329
Case 59 "I have terrible lower back pains." 335
Case 60 "I can't seem to control my arms and legs, and I'm having problems with my memory." 340
Case 61 "My little girl has a fever and says that she aches all over." 344
Case 62 "I feel really weak, and I have a bad sore throat." 349
Case 63 "I'm feeling very nervous, and I've lost a lot of weight." 353
Case 64 "I get terribly out of breath just walking down the street and my ankles are swollen every night." 357
Case 65 "I had a sore throat recently, and now it is extremely painful to move and hard to breathe." 362
Case 66 "My child is vomiting, hasn't been walking normally, and just had a seizure." 367
Case 67 "I have a rash, my joints are sore, and my gums bleed a lot." 372
Case 68 "I have a fever and diarrhea that comes and goes and my belly hurts." 375
Case 69 "My son has had this ring on his forehead, and it seems to be getting bigger." 381
Case 70 "My son is very ill. He has a fever and a bad headache." 387
Case 71 "My breasts have been producing milk, I get terrible headaches, and I think I'm losing my peripheral vision." 390
App. Laboratory Reference Values 395
List of Cases by Diagnosis 401
List of Cases by System 403
Index 407


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