도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Part I. Introduction. Perspective on the History of Tumor Models, Steadman Harrison. Part II. Transplantable Syngeneic Rodent Tumors. Murine L1210 and P388 Leukemias, Donald J. Dykes and William R. Waud. Transplantable Syngeneic Rodent Tumors: Solid Tumors of Mice, Thomas H. Corbett, Lisa Polin, Bill J. Roberts, Alfred J. Lawson, Wilbur R. Leopold III, Kathryn White, Juiwanna Kushner, Jennifer Paluch, Stuart Hazeldine, Richard Moore, James Rake, and Jerome P. Horwitz. B16 Murine Melanoma: Historical Perspective on the Development of a Solid Tumor Model, Enrique Alvarez. Part III. Human Tumor Xenografts. Xenotransplantation of Human Cell Cultures in Nude Mice, Beppino Giovanella. GFP-Expressing Metastatic-Cancer Mouse Models, Robert M. Hoffman. Human Tumor Xenografts and Explants, Heinz-Herbert Fiebig and Angelika M. Burger. Part IV. Carcinogen-induced Tumors: Models of Carcinogenesis and Use for Therapy. Hamster Oral Cancer Model, Joel Schwartz and Xinbin Gu. Mammary Cancer in Rats, Henry J. Thompson and Michael B. Sporn. Carcinogen-Induced Colon-Cancer Models for Chemoprevention and Nutritional Studies, Bandaru S. Reddy. Part V. Mutant, Transgenic, and Knockout Mouse Models. Cancer Models: Manipulating the Transforming Growth Factor-b Pathway in Mice, John J. Letterio. Cyclin D1 Transgenic Mouse Models, Oliver G. Opitz, Hiroshi Nakagawa, and Anil K. Rustgi. Mice Expressing the Human Carcinoembryonic Antigen: An Experimental Model of Immunotherapy Directed at a Self, Tumor Antigen, John W. Greiner. The p53-Deficient Mouse as a Cancer Model, Sundaresan Venkatachalam, Stuart Tyner, and Lawrence A. Donehower. The Utility of Transgenic Mouse Models for Cancer Prevention Research, Stephen D. Hursting and Ronald A. Lubet. Part VI. Metastasis Models. Metastasis Models: Lungs, Spleen/Liver, Bone, and Brain, Krishna Menon and Beverly A. Teicher. Models for Evaluation of Targeted Therapies of Metastatic Disease, Suzanne A. Eccles. Part VII. Normal Tissue Response Models. Animal Models of Oral Mucositis Induced by Antineoplastic Drugs and Radiation, Stephen T. Sonis. The Intestine as a Model for Studying Stem-Cell Behavior, Catherine Booth and Christopher S. Potten. SENCAR Mouse-Skin Tumorigenesis Model, Rana P. Singh and Rajesh Agarwal. Murine Models of Bone-Marrow Transplant Conditioning, Ronald van Os and Julian D. Down. Anesthetic Considerations for the Study of Murine Tumor Models, Robert E. Meyer, Rod D. Braun, and Mark W. Dewhirst. Part VIII. Disease and Target-specific Models. Tissue-Isolated Tumors in Mice: Ex Vivo Perfusion of Human Tumor Xenografts, Paul E. G. Kristjansen. Human Breast-Cancer Xenografts as Models of the Human Disease, Robert Clarke. Animal Models of Melanoma, William E. Carson III and Michael J. Walker. Experimental Animal Models for Renal Cell Carcinoma, Gilda G. Hillman. Animal Models of Mesothelioma, Harvey I. Pass, Orlin Hadjiev, and Michele Carbone. SCID Mouse Models of Human Leukemia and Lymphoma as Tools for New Agent Development, Fatih M. Uckun and Martha G. Sensel. Models for Studying the Action of Topoisomerase-I Targeted Drugs, Joyce Thompson, Clinton F. Stewart, and Peter J. Houghton. Spontaneous Pet Animal Cancers, Mark W. Dewhirst, Donald Thrall, and E. Gregory MacEwen. Part IX. Experimental Methods and End Points. In Vivo Tumor Response End Points, Beverly A. Teicher. Tumor-Cell Survival, Sara Rockwell. Apoptosis In Vivo, L. Clifton Stephens and Raymond E. Meyn. Transparent Window Models and Intravital Microscopy: Imaging Gene Expression, Physiological Function, and Drug Delivery in Tumors, Rakesh K. Jain, Lance L. Munn, and Dai Fukumura. Index.
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