도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Adhering to the same easy-to-use format as previous editions, the Fourth Edition of this text provides timely and insightful information into the principles of modern anesthesiology, office-based anesthesia, hazards and safety in the operating room, and the importance of cost-effective testing prior to administration of anesthesia. This comprehensive resource includes new chapters on the hazards of working in the OR, up-to-date information on how to prevent and manage OR fires if they occur, information on the newest guidelines for preoperative preparation including new fasting guidelines, administration of anesthesia for minimally invasive surgical techniques, and drug interactions
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1 Anesthesia as a Specialty: Past, Present, and Future 3
2 Practice Management 29
3 Experimental Design and Statistics 55
4 Hazards of Working in the Operating Room 69
5 Professional Liability, Risk Management, and Quality Improvement 93
6 Value-Based Anesthesia Management 101
7 Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Anesthesia 119
8 Electrical Safety 137
9 Acid-Base, Fluids, and Electrolytes 157
10 Hemostasis and Hemotherapy 189
11 Basic Principles of Clinical Pharmacology 221
12 Autonomic Nervous System: Physiology and Pharmacology 243
13 Nonopioid Intravenous Anesthesia 311
14 Opioids 329
15 Inhalation Anesthesia 359
16 Muscle Relaxants 385
17 Local Anesthetics 413
18 Preoperative Evaluation 443
19 Anesthesia for Patients with Rare and Co-existing Disease 461
20 Pharmacogenetics 489
21 Preoperative Medication 519
22 Delivery Systems for Inhaled Anesthetics 535
23 Airway Management 573
24 Patient Positioning 595
25 Monitoring the Anesthetized Patient 621
26 Epidural and Spinal Anesthesia 645
27 Peripheral Nerve Blockade 669
28 Anesthesia for Neurosurgery 699
29 Respiratory Function in Anesthesia 747
30 Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery 769
31 Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology 805
32 Anesthesia for Cardiac Surgery 835
33 Anesthesia for Vascular Surgery 871
34 Anesthesia and the Eye 911
35 Anesthesia for ENT Surgery 929
36 The Renal System and Anesthesia for Urologic Surgery 945
37 Anesthesia and Obesity and Gastrointestinal Disorders 975
38 Anesthesia for Laparoscopic Surgery 991
39 Anesthesia and the Liver 1003
40 Orthopaedic Surgery 1025
41 Anesthesia and the Endocrine System 1039
42 Obstetric Anesthesia 1061
43 Neonatal Anesthesia 1091
44 Pediatric Anesthesia 1115
45 Anesthesia for the Geriatric Patient 1125
46 Anesthesia for Ambulatory Surgery 1137
47 Monitored Anesthesia Care 1159
48 Trauma and Burns 1173
49 The Allergic Response 1205
50 Cancer Therapy and Its Anesthetic Implications 1219
51 Anesthesia for Nonoperative Locations 1237
52 Anesthesia for Organ Transplantation 1249
53 Postoperative Recovery 1279
54 Management of Acute Postoperative Pain 1305
55 Chronic Pain Management 1339
56 ICU: Critical Care 1367
57 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 1389
Appendix Electrocardiography 1411
Index 1421
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