도서 소개
상품 상세설명
The fourth edition of Geriatrics at Your Fingertips is a portable,
practical and economical tool for professionals who provide primary
care to older persons. Content focuses on the evaluation and
management of the diseases and disorders that most commonly affect
older persons in various healthcare settings. GAYF minimizes the time
clinicians spend searching for the information that they need to make
patient care decisions. Many of the care strategies are derived from
guidelines published by organizations such as the Agency for Health
Care Policy and Research, the American Heart Association, and the
American Diabetes Association, among others. GAYF describes
assessment instruments, recommended diagnostic tests, and management
strategies that include non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic therapy.
The design of the tables and lists of drugs facilitates appropriate
prescribing. Generic and trade names are provided, as well as
information on dosages, how the drugs are metabolized or excreted,
and how each drug is supplied--with special emphasis on impact in
older patients. Body system disorders (such as respiratory diseases),
symptoms (like pain), and life-style issues (such as alcohol and
tobacco abuse) are covered in separate chapters. At the end of the
book are lists of telephone numbers and Web sites that serve as
additional resources for specific information on general aging, end-
of-life, legal issues and elder abuse, and specific health problems.
Age Related Physiologic Changes and Formulas Assessment and Approach
Appropriate Prescribing and Pharmacotherapy Alcohol and Tobacco use
Anticoagulation Anxiety Cardiovascular Diseases Delirium Dementia
Depression Dermatologic Conditions Endocrine disorders Falls
Gastrointestinal Diseases Hearing Impairment Hematology and Oncology
Infectious Diseases Malnutrition Musculoskeletal Disorders Neurologic
Disorders Osteoporosis Pain Palliative and End-of-Life Care
Preoperative and Perioperative Care Pressure Ulcers Prevention
Psychotic Disorders Renal and Prostate Disorders Respiratory Diseases
Sexual Dysfunction Sleep Disorders Urinary Incontinence Visual
Impairment Women's Health
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