도서 소개
상품 상세설명
When Handbook of Normative Data for Neuropsychological Assessment was published in 1999, it was the first book to provide neuropsychologists with summaries and critiques of normative data for neuropsychological tests.
The Second Edition, which has been revised and updated throughout, presents data for 26 commonly used neuropsychological tests, including: Trailmaking, Color Trails, Stroop Color Word Interference, Auditory Consonant Trigrams, Paced Auditory Serial Addition, Ruff 2 and 7, Digital Vigilance, Boston Naming, Verbal Fluency, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure, Hooper Visual Fluency, Design Fluency, Tactual Performance, Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, Rey Auditory-Verbal learning, Hopkins Verbal learning, WHO/UCLA Auditory Verbal Learning, Benton Visual Retention, Finger Tapping, Grip Strength (Dynamometer), Grooved Pegboard, Category, and Wisconsin Card Sorting tests. In addition, California Verbal learning (CVLT and CVLT-II), CERAD ListLearning, and selective Reminding Tests, as well as the newest version of the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-III and WMS-IIIA), are reviewed.
Locator tables throughout the book guide the reader to the sets of normative data that are best suited to each individual case, depending on the demographic characteristics of the patient, and highlight the advantages associated with using data for comparative purposes. Those using the book have the option of reading the authors' critical review of the normative data for a particular test, or simply turning to the appropriate data locator table for a quick reference to the relevant data tables in the Appendices. The Second Edition includes reviews of 15 new tests. The way the data are presented has been changed to make the book easier to use. Meta-analytic tables of predicted values for different ages (and education, where relevant) are included for nine tests that have a sufficient number of homogeneous datasets. No other reference offers such an effective framework for the critical evaluation of normative data for neuropsychological tests. Like the first edition, the new edition will be welcomed by practitioners, researchers, teachers, and graduate students as a unique and valuable contribution to the practice of neuropsychology
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1 Introduction 3
2 Use of methodological concepts in neuropsychology practice 12
3 Statistical and psychometric issues 33
4 Trailmaking test 59
5 Color trails test 99
6 Stroop test 108
7 Auditory consonant trigrams 134
8 Paced auditory serial addition test 141
9 Cancellation tests 160
10 Boston naming test 173
11 Verbal fluency test 200
12 Rey-Osterrieth complex figure 241
13 Hooper visual organization test 272
14 Visual form discrimination test 278
15 Judgment of line orientation 284
16 Design fluency tests 298
17 Tactual performance test 312
18 Wechsler memory scale (WMS-R, WMS-III, and WMS-IIIA) 337 19 List-learning tests 357
20 Benton visual retention test 394
21 Finger tapping test 419
22 Grip strength test (hand dynamometer) 444
23 Grooved pegboard test 459
24 Category test 475
25 Wisconsin card sorting test 496
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