도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Richly illustrated, clinically oriented, well-balanced coverage of both neurophysiology and neuroanatomy provides all the knowledge you need for Board exam preparation and practice! This 3rd Edition offers meticulous updates from cover to cover ... a new, more user-friendly page layout ... 300 USMLE-style review questions, with answers and rationales ... and access to the entire text online, plus many other features, at www.studentconsult.com.
Provides thorough explanations of cellular biology, neuron structure and function, vascular anatomy, neuronal communication, and the embryological development of the nervous system.
Presents in-depth discussions of human regional neuroanatomy and systems neurobiology, providing a rich understanding of the function of the human brain and spinal cord.
Uses abundant full-color illustrations, plus clinical and histological photographs, to make neuroanatomy easy to visualize.
Presents numerous diagnostic imaging examples—including outstanding MR and CT imaging studies—to provide radiological correlations for various neuroanatomical structures.
Features information based primarily on data obtained from human studies, rather than animal ones, to keep coverage relevant to clinical practice.
What's New
Offers meticulous updates throughout to reflect all of the latest developments in neuroscience.
Provides a new, more user-friendly page layout.
Contains 300 new USMLE-style review questions, with answers and rationales.
Delivers a new online feature that lets you quiz yourself on every illustration from the text by turning the anatomical labels on and off as desired. You'll also find 200 review questions from Dr. Haines's Review of Neuroscience book.
Includes access to www.studentconsult.com — where you'll find the complete text and illustrations of the book online, fully searchable • "Integration Links" to bonus content in other STUDENT CONSULT titles • content clipping for handheld devices • an interactive community center with a wealth of additional resources • and much more!
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Section 1. Essential Concepts
1. Orientation to Structure and Imaging of the Central Nervous System
2. The Cell Biology of Neurons and Glia
3. The Electrochemical Basis of Neuronal Integration
4. The Chemical Basis for Neuronal Communication
5. Development of the Nervous System
Section 2. Regional Neurobiology
6. The Ventricles, Choroid Plexus, and Cerebospinal Fluid
7. The Meninges
8. A Survey of the Cerebrovascular System
9. The Spinal Cord
10. An Overview of the Brainstem
11. The Medulla Oblongata
12. The Pons and Cerebellum
13. The Midbrain
14. A Synopsis of Cranial Nerves of the Brainstem
15. The Diencephalon
16. The Telencephalon
Section 3. Systems Neurobiology
17. The Somatosensory System I: Tactile Discrimination and Position Sense
18. The Somatosensory System II: Touch, Thermal Sense, and Pain
19. Viscerosensory Pathways
20. The Visual System
21. The Auditory System
22. The Vestibular System
23. Olfaction and Tast
24. Motor System II: Peripheral Sensory, Brainstem, and Spinal Influence on Anterior Horn
25. Motor System II: Corticofugal Systems and the Control of Movement
26. The Basal Nuclei
27. The Cerebellum
28. Visual Motor Systems
29. Visceral Motor Pathways
30. The Hypothalamus
31. The Limbic System
32. The Cerebral Cortex
33. The Neurologic Examination
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