도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Book Description
This is a comprehensive multi-author handbook covering all aspects of cochlear implantation, fully updated since its first edition was published in 1991. All aspects of this rapidly developing field are covered, from implant design, speech processing strategies, assessment and rehabilitation of children and adults to future developments. Chapters written by implant users and their parents give fascinating insight into the experience of hearing again with a cochlear implant.
From the Back Cover
Cochlear Implants: A Practical Guide, edited by Huw Cooper, was an essential text for all those involved in audiology and related professions. The first edition of this book was published in 1991 and a second edition has been long awaited. The new edition of this popular book has undergone a complete revision and includes contributions from an international collection of authors, many of whom are the world leaders in their specialist areas.
This comprehensive text covers all aspects of this rapidly developing field, from implant design, speech processing strategies, assessment and rehabilitation of children and adults to developments of the future. The chapters written by implant users and their parents give a fascinating insight into the experience of hearing again with a cochlear implant. Containing twenty chapters, there is something of relevance and interest to all professionals involved in working with the deaf, students and non-professionals with an interest in deafness.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Chapter 1: Implant design and development (David B. Grayden and Graeme M. Clark).
Chapter 2: Speech processing strategies (Blake S. Wilson).
Chapter 3: The cochlear implant team (David W. Proops).
Chapter 4: Assessment of adult patients (Claire A. Fielden).
Chapter 5: Assessment of children (Mary Joe Osberger, Amy McConkey Robbins and Patricia G. Trautwein).
Chapter 6: Selection criteria and prediction of outcomes (Huw R. Cooper).
Chapter 7: Psychological aspects of cochlear implantation (John F. Knutson).
Chapter 8: Medical and surgical considerations (John M. Graham).
Chapter 9: Radiological evaluation in cochlear implantation (Colin L.W. Driscoll and Michael B. Gluth).
Chapter 10: Cochlear implant surgery (Richard T. Ramsden).
Chapter 11: Utility of electrically evoked potentials in cochlear implant users (Paul J. Abbas and Carolyn J. Brown).
Chapter 12: Device programming (Louise C. Craddock).
Chapter 13: Adult rehabilitation (Geoff Plant).
Chapter 14: Paediatric habilitation (Elizabeth Tyszkiewicz and Jacqueline Stokes).
Chapter 15: Soundfield hearing for patients with cochlear implants and hearing aids (Richard S. Tyler, Camille C. Dunn, Shelley A. Witt, William Noble, Bruce J. Gantz, Jay T. Rubinstein, Aaron J. Parkinson, Steve C. Branin).
Chapter 16: The future of cochlear implants (Jennifer L. Smullen, Adrien A. Eshraghi and Thomas J. Balkany).
Chapter 17: A patient’s perspective (Jean Briggs, Timothy Stanley).
Chapter 18: A parent’s perspective (Jennie Clewes, Tricia Kemp).
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