도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Key Features
Narrows the gap between the facts learned in school and the wisdom that nurses need to survive in the real world.
Features original cartoon illustrations and a theme cat cartoon character that walks the student through difficult
subjects with a light-hearted, engaging approach to learning.
Helps the nursing student integrate complementary and alternative therapies into more conventional health care
approaches taught in medical-surgical, pharmacology, and other clinical courses.
Presents material in a clear and entertaining way by using adult learning principles and various active-learning
strategies to engage nursing students of all ages, backgrounds, and learning styles.
Divides information into manageable units and reinforces the learning process.
Helps the student quickly identify special content in the chapter with icons for cautions, lifespan considerations,
cultural implications, and related websites.
Emphasizes essential terminology by bolding Key Words in the narrative and defining them in the margin.
Promotes learning with a variety of interactive activities including fill-in the blank, NCLEX®-style review questions,
matching, word jumbles, word search, and crossword puzzles.
Offers succinct points of advice that students can use to prepare for their clinical rotation.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Table of Contents
PART ONE: PHARMACOLOGIC THERAPIES Section 1: Herbs Alfalfa Aloe Vera Astragalus Root Black Cohosh Capsicum Chamomile
Cranberry Dandelion Echinacea Ephedra Evening Primrose Feverfew Garlic Ginger Ginkgo Ginseng Goldenseal Hawthorn Hop
Kava Kava Licorice Passionflower Red Clover St. John’s Wort Section 2: Vitamins and Dietary Supplements Chondroitin Co-
enzyme Q10 Fish Oil Glucosamine Vitamin C Vitamin E PART TWO: NON-PHARMACOLOGIC THERAPIES Section 3: Healing with
Physical Power Chiropractic Therapy Massage Therapy Qigong and Tai Chi Reflexology Rolfing Yoga Section 4: Healing with
the Mind Biofeedback Humor Therapy Hypnosis Meditation Music Therapy Pet Therapy Relaxation Storytelling Section 5:
Healing with Subtle Energy Acupressure Acupuncture Aromatherapy Color Therapy Feng Shui Homeopathy Intuitive Spiritual
Healing Magnetic Therapy Prayer Reiki Therapeutic Touch PART THREE: LEARNING ACTIVITIES PART FOUR: HELPFUL CROSS-
REFERENCES Pharmacologic Actions of Herbs Reference Table Common Side Effects of Herbs Reference Table Index of
Conditions Treated with Non-Herbal Therapies References Comprehensive Index Appendix: Effect of Herbals on the
Coagulation Pathway (inside back cover and facing page)
Author Information
By Kathleen R. Wren, CRNA, PhD, Program Director, Nurse Anesthesia Program, School of Nursing, Louisiana State
University, New Orleans, LA; and Carol L. Norred, CRNA, MHS, Clinical Instructor and Researcher, Department of
Anesthesiology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO; Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Nurse
Anesthesia Program, School of Nursing, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
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