도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Now updated and expanded to cover the latest technologies, this full-color text on clinical refraction uses an easy-to-read format to give optometry students and practitioners all the important information they need. Also covers a wide range of other aspects of the eye exam, including anterior and posterior segment evaluations, contact lens, ocular pharmacology, and visual field analysis. Four new chapters cover wavefront-guided refraction, optical correction with refractive surgeries, prosthetic devices, and patients with ocular pathology.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1. Refractive Status of the Eye
2. Incidence and Distribution of Refractive Anomalies
3. Development of the Ametropias
4. Accommodation, the Pupil, and Presbyopia
5. Fusion and Binocularity
6. The Ophthalmic Case Historian
7. Visual Acuity
8. Contrast Sensitivity and Glare Testing
9. Color Vision
10. Ocular Motility
11. The Physical Examination
12. Pharmacology and Refraction
13. Anterior Segment Evaluation
14. Posterior Segment Evaluation
15. Visual Field Screening and Analysis
16. Clinical Electrophysiology
17. Corneal Topography
18. Objective Refraction: Retinoscopy, Autorefraction and Photorefraction
19. Wavefront-Guided Refraction
20. Monocular and Binocular
21. Phorometry and Stereopsis
22. Analysis, Interpretation, and Prescription for the Ametropias and Heterophorias
23. Correction with Single Vision
24. Correction with Multifocal Spectacle Lenses
25. Prescription of Absorptive Lenses
26. Applied Optics of Contact Lens Correction
27. Clinical Optics of Contact Lens Prescription
28. Correction of Presbyopia with Contact Lenses
29. Optical Correction with Refractive Surgeries and Prosthetic Devices
30. Infants, Toddlers, and Children
31. Patients with Amblyopia and Strabismus
32. Patients with Anisometropia and Aniseikonia
33. Patients with High Refractive Error
34. Patients with Irregular Corneal Astigmatism
35. The Elderly
36. Patients with Low Vision
37. Patients with Ocular Pathology
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