도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Part I. General Considerations
1. The face as a Dynamic Mosaic work - Prosopoplasty
2. Historical overview
3. Evolution of the face
4. Facial Expression
5. Surgical Psychotherapy
6. Ageing / Antiageing
7. Facial Analysis
8. Symmetry of the face
9. Facial Architecture and fine arts
10. Fourth Dimensionof the face
11.The Definition of facial beauty
12. Facelift-Related anatomy
13. Five Topographic levels of the face and four layers of surgical acting
14.The Ideal Candidate
15. Prerequisites of the surgeon
Part II. Preoperative Preparations
16. Initial Consultation
17. The interface between Aesthetic surgery, Psychiatry and the Law:some practical advice
18. Identifying the body dysmorphic patient in Aestheic surgery
19. Examination
20. Digital Photography and computer imaging
21. Dermography
22. Operating Room
23. Local Anesthesia for facial surgery
24, Operative Instruments
25. High-tech equipment
26, Radiofrequency surgery as a Refinement in Aesthetic surgery
27. Successful office-Clinic Management:Organization of a beauty clinic
Part III. Harmonizing Facial Mosaic Stones
28. Forehead
29. A more Conservative Open Frontal Lift
30. Forehead and Midface Videoendoscopic Surgery
31. The Subperiosteal Browlift
32. Eyebrow Manoeuvres
33. Eyelids
34. Periorbital Rejuvenation
35. Crow’s-Feet
36. Rhytidoplasty-Step by Step
37. Biplanar Face Lift
38. SMAS for Face and Neck lifts
39. Nontraumatic Undermining in Rhytidectomies
40. Aesthetic Facial Surgery, The Round-Lifting Technique
41. The Vertical Sub-SMAS Periorbital and Midface Rhytidectomy
42. Composite Facilift
43. Double Ogee Facial Rejuvenation
44. The SACS, ESP and Prehairline-Terrace Lifting
45. The Vertical Facelift
46. How to Minimize Inherent Contradiction in Facelift Operation
47. Face Lifts with Vertical Hidden Incisions
48. Mini Facelift As Prophylactic Preservation of Youth
49. The MACS Lift-Minimal Access Cranial Suspension Lift
50. MIDI Facelift
51. Skin Resection Rhytidoplasty
52. Facelift in Males
53. Secondary Facelift
54. Submental Manoeuvres
55. Partial Resection of the Submandibular Gland
56. Chin Corrections
57. Lip Corrections
58. Search for Balance Between the Nose Tip and the Upper Lip
59. Autologous Fat Transfer
60. Liposuction in Face and Neck
61. Aftercare
62. Pre- and Postoperative Skin Care
63. The Use of Polarized Light in Aesthetic Surgery
64. Concepts, Tricks and Tips in Facelift Surgery
65. Face-Lifting, What Not to be
66. Nose Corrections
67. Ear Corrections
68. Surgical Hair-Replacement
69. Ancillary Procedures
70. Aesthetic Laser Resurfacing
71. Facial Contouring Surgery Combined with Skin Resurfacing
72. Non surgical Facial Rejuvenation with the 4R Principle:Innovative uses of BOTOX and facelifting with the Woffles Lift, a barbed suture Sling
73. Injectable Dermal Fillers-Resorbable or Permanent
74. Botox Treatment
Part IV. Conclusions
75. Final Philosophy - Bibliography - Kaleidoscope of 363 Ideas, Tips, and Tricks.
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