도서 목차
상품 상세설명
List of contributors
Foreword William H. Dietz; Preface
Part I. Causes
1. Measurement and definition Tim J. Cole and Marie Francoise Rolland-Cachera
2. Epidemiology Michele Guillaume and Inge Lissau 3. Molecular and biological factors with emphasis on adipose tissue development Martin Wabitsch
4. Nutrition Marie Francoise Rolland-Cachera and France Bellisle
5. Physical activity Yves Schutz and Claudio Maffeis
6. Psychosocial factors Andrew J. Hill and Inge Lissau
Part II. Consequences
7. Clinical features, adverse effects and outcome Karl F. M. Zwiauer, Margherita Caroli, Ewa Malecka-Tendera and Elizabeth M. E. Poskitt
8. The obese adolescent Marie-Laure Frelut and Carl-Erik Flodmark
9. Prader-Willi and other syndromes Giuseppe Chiumello and Elizabeth M. E. Poskitt
10. Hormonal and metabolic changes Ewa Malecka-Tendera and Denes Molnar
11. Risk of cardiovascular complications David S. Freedman, Sathanur R. Srinivasan and Gerald S. Berenson
Part III. Prevention and Management
12. Prevention Inge Lissau, Walter Burniat, Elizabeth M. E. Poskitt and Tim J. Cole
13. Home-based management Elizabeth M. E. Poskitt 14. Dietary management Margherita Caroli and Walter Burniat
15. Management through activity Jana Parizkova, Claudio Maffeis and Elizabeth M. E. Poskitt
16. Psychotherapy Carl-Erik Flodmark and Inge Lissau
17. Drug therapy Denes Molnar and Ewa Malecka-Tendera
18. Surgical treatment Alessandro Salvatoni
19. Interdisciplinary outpatient management Beatrice Bauer and Claudio Maffeis
20. Interdiscplinary residential management Marie-Laure Frelut
21. The future W. Philip T. James
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