도서 소개
상품 상세설명
hardcover - 710 ills.
Updated to reflect the recent advances in this fast-changing field, this highly illustrated text examines the latest imaging modalities for prenatal diagnosis of fetal abnormalities. A team of leading authorities provides practical, step-by-step guidance on everything from detection and interpretation...to successful management approaches. Algorithms and management strategies throughout not only describe the features of abnormalities, but also show you how to arrive at a correct diagnosis through the use of color Doppler, 3-D ultrasound, and fetal MR. This 2nd Edition offers the essential practice-proven guidance you need to arrive at confident diagnoses in critical situations. It’s a resource you’ll turn to time and again!
Key Features
* Includes more than 700 illustrations that clearly depict a full range of conditions.
* Focuses on image interpretation and, wherever possible, correlation of radiographic features with pathologic findings to provide the most accurate and reliable diagnosis possible.
* Uses a reader-friendly format to facilitate quick access to specific information.
New to this Edition
* Includes new chapters reflecting major advances in magnetic resonance imaging and 3-D ultrasound.
* Presents an increased use of lists of differential diagnosis.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1 Introduction, Peter Twining
2 Safety of ultrasound, Gail ter Haar
3 The routine fetal anomaly scan, Eva Pajkrt, Lyn S. Chitty
4 First trimester detection of fetal amonalies, Peter Twining
5 Disorders of amniotic fluid, placenta and membranes, R. Bryan Beattie, Delyth A. Rich
6 Cranial abnormalities, Sarah A. Russell, Josephine McHugo, David W. Pilling
7 Spinal abnormalities, Michael Weston
8 Cardiac abnormalities, Gurleen Sharland
9 Diagnosis and treatment of fetal arrhythmias, Frances Bu’Lock
10 Pulmonary abnormalities, David W. Pilling
11 Abdominal and abdominal wall abnormalities, David W. Pilling
12 Skeletal abnormalities, Josephine M. McHugo
13 Urinary tract abnormalities, Peter Twining
14 Chromosomal abnormalities, Peter Twining
15 Abnormalities of the face and neck, Peter Twining
16 Abnormalities in twin pregnancies, A. Pat M. Smith
17 Viral infection in pregnancy, Stephen Walkinshaw
18 Non-immune fetal hydrops, Stephen Walkinshaw
19 Intra-uterine therapy, Mark Kilby, David Somerset
20 3D Ultrasound, Eberhard Merz
21 Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Catherine Garel
22 Fetal anomalies – the geneticist’s approach, Peter A. Farndon
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