도서 소개
상품 상세설명
496 pages 400 ills
Leaders in the field present today’s most comprehensive coverage of bariatric surgery, one of the most promising current treatments for the growing global epidemic of overweight and obesity. This brand new resource begins with a through examination of the history, incidence, demography, etiology, biology, comorbidities, longevity, and social and economic implications of obesity. It then discusses pre-, peri-, and postoperative issues of importance before examining the evolution of bariatric procedures. Individual chapters present the best surgical approaches, their outcomes, and other considerations involved in this surgical approach.
With 91 additional contributing experts.
Key Features
Presents a comprehensive overview of the entire field of bariatric surgery, as well as a broad discussion of critical non-operative topics.
Discusses the evolution of bariatric procedures, followed by individual chapters that examine laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, vertical banded gastroplasty, the banded gastric bypass, and other surgical approaches.
Reviews the outcomes of bariatric surgery with respect to nutrition, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, orthopedic conditions, and metabolism.
Offers guidance on practical and academic training of the bariatric surgeon, patient support groups, the importance of the multidisciplinary team, managed care, allied health, laparoscopic suites and robotics, liability issues, and more.
Includes dietary, drug management, and other alternative non-operative approaches.
Addresses the growing incidence of childhood obesity with a chapter focusing on adolescent bariatric surgery patients.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
I. Background
1. Historical Perspectives
2. Incidence and Demography of Obesity
3. Etiology of Obesity
4. Biology of Obesity
II. Consequences
5. Obesity Comorbidities
6. Longevity and ObesityBR> 7. Social Implications of Obesity
8. Economic Implications of Obesity
III. Non-Operative Management
9. Dietary Management of Obesity
10. Drug Management of Obesity
11. Alternative Therapies for Obesity
IV. Preoperative, Perioperative, and Postoperative Patient Care
12. Patient Selection for Bariatric Surgery
13. Preoperative Preparation of the Bariatric Patient
14. Anesthesia Consideration for the Obese
15. Perioperative Management of the Bariatric Patient
16. Postoperative Care of the Bariatric Patient
17. Surgery in the Morbidly Obese Patient
V. Operative Procedures
18. Evolution of the Bariatric Procedures and Selection Algorithm
19. Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
20. Vertical Banded Gastropasty
21. Laparoscopic Vertical Banded Gastroplasty
22. Open Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass
23. Laparoscopic Roux Gastric Bypass
24. Laparscopic Gastric Bypass Using the Linear Stapler
25. Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Using the Circular Stapler
26. Laparoscopic Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass: Hand Sewn Gastrojejunostomy Technique
27. The Banded Gastric Bypass
28. Long –Limb Roux Gastric Bypass
29. Biliopancreatic Diversion
30. Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch
31. Laparoscopic Duodenal Switch
32. Implantable Gastric Stimulation for the Treatment of Severe Obesity
33. Secondary Plastic Procedures in Bariatric Surgery
34. Ancillary Procedures in Bariatric Surgery
VI. Reoperations and Complications
35. Principles of Revisional Bariatric Surgery
36. Strictures in Bariatric Surgery
37. Leaks, Gastric Disruption in Bariatric Surgery
VII. Outcome
38. Long-Term Follow-Up and Evaluations of Results in Bariatric Surgery
39. Pratical Training of the Bariatric Surgeon
40. Nutritional Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery
41. Resolution of Bariatric Co-Morbidities Diabetes
42. Resolution of Bariatric Comorbidities Hypertension
43. Resolution of Bariatric Comorbidities: Sleep Apnea
44. Resolution of Bariatric Comorbidities: Orthopedic
45. Nursing Care of the Bariatric Surgery Patient
46. Patient Support Groups in Bariatric Surgery
47. Open Vs Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
48. The Requirements for Medical Writing with Emphasis on Reporting Bariatric Surgical Outcomes
VIII. Educations and Practice
49. Academic Training of the Bariatric Surgeon
50. Metabolic Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery
51. The Multidisciplinary Team in a Bariatric Surgery Program: Importance of a Team Approach
52. The Allied Science Team in Bariatric Surgery
53. Requisite Facilities for Bariatric Surgical Practice
54. Laparoscopic Suites and Robotics in Bariatric Surgery
55. Liability Issues In Bariatric Surgery
56. Adolescent Bariatric Surgery
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