도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Cardiac Arrhythmias has become established as a highly respected guide to the interpretation and treatment of cardiac rhythm disorders. Acting as a thoroughly usable hadnbook to dip into when required and a practical textbook, it covers the basics and detail or cardiac arrhythmias at an appropriate level without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary technical details and references. For this seventh edition, the content has been updated throughout, incorporating results from recent major clinical trials, developments in the treatment of atrial fibrillation, enhanced sophistication in pacemaker technology and the increased availability of defibrillators. The book will continue to provide invaluable advice to junior hospital doctors, coronary care nurses, cardiac techniques, higher level medical students and practising physicians requiring a ready reference to this important subject.
(Arnold) Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, UK. Provides a practical guide to the diagnosis, investigation, and management of the main cardiac arrhythmias. Gives particular emphasis to the problems commonly faced in practice. Previous edition: c1997. Softcover. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1 Four Decades of Self and Non-Self: Reflections on Autoimmunity and Tolerance
2 Basis and Mechanisms of Self-Tolerance
3 Transgenic Models of Peripheral T-Cell Self-Tolerance and Autoimmunity
4 Antigenic Determinants Involved in Induction and Propagation of Autoimmunity
5 Costimulation and the Regulation of Autoimmunity
6 Genetic Influences: Major Histocompatibility Complex
7 Non-MHC Genetic Contributions to Autoimmune Disease
8 Environmental Determinants of Autoimmune Disease
9 Infection and Autoimmune Disease
10 Molecular Mimicry
11 Antigen Receptors
12 T-Cell Subsets (Th1, Th2) and Cytokines in Autoimmunity
13 Apoptosis, Autoantigens, and Autoimmunity
14 Animal Models of Autoimmunity: Spontaneous and Induced
15 Blood Cells: Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
16 Blood Cells: Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia Purpura
17 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
18 Antiphospholipid/Cofactor Syndromes
19 Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma)
20 Rheumatoid Arthritis
21 Sjogren's Syndrome
22 Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
23 Diabetes
24 Autoimmune Gastritis and Pernicious Anemia
25 Inflammatory Bowel and Celiac Disease
26 Autoimmune Diseases: The Liver
27 Cutaneous Autoimmune Diseases
28 Autoimmune Diseases of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems
29 Autoimmune Disease in the Kidney
30 Immune-Mediated Cardiovascular Disease
31 Myasthenia Gravis
32 Autoimmune Diseases of Muscle
33 Autoimmune Disease of the Testis and the Ovary
34 Vasculitis
35 Adrenal Autoimmunity and the Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndromes Types I-III: Addison's Disease, Hypoparathyroidism, and Hypophysitis
36 Autoimmune Diseases of the Eye
37 Autoimmune Diseases: Cameos, Curiosities, and Shadowlands
38 Aging and Autoimmunity
39 Paraneoplastic Autoimmune Syndromes
40 Autoimmune Derangements in the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
41 Diagnosis of Autoimmune Disease
42 Novel Therapeutic Approaches to Autoimmunity
43 Autoimmunity Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
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