도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Massage Therapy: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition gives you everything you need to learn and apply the basic principles of massage therapy with ease! This new edition is more straightforward and easy-to-use than ever, with a new DVD that brings techniques and procedures to life, complete coverage of the latest emerging therapy options and target groups, and new practice materials to help you prepare for certification exams and therapeutic practice. Heavily illustrated and thoroughly revised to cover the widest range of modalities and massage topics in one book, it’s the foundation for massage therapy success!
-Key Features-
* Heavily illustrated for visually enhanced comprehension.
* Covers the fundamentals of massage with just the right amount of detail for shorter programs.
* Full section on anatomy & physiology with essential background.
* Special Populations chapter helps addresses the needs of growing segments.
* Table Talk boxes enrich chapters with additional content and retention tips
-New to this Edition-
* Bound-in companion DVD provides engaging video demonstrations of massage techniques, client interaction sequences, and anatomy and physiology animations for visually enhanced learning.
* New National Certification Exam (NCE) practice test acquaints students with the exam they must take for certification and builds confidence.
* New Pregnancy and Infant Massage chapter details special therapies unique to these emerging areas of care and helps broaden therapists’ treatment scope and increase their marketability.
* New Foot Reflexology chapter introduces a growing field of therapy common to massage courses but not covered by many texts.
* Muscle charts with all-new illustrations present musculoskeletal anatomy with full-color clarify for quick identification.
* New case studies, biographies, appendices, and chapter extras on Evolve enhance chapter content.
* New Reproductive System chapter familiarizes students with the reproductive system and its relationship to treatment modifications.
* New DVD icons throughout text help students quickly identify material highlighted on the DVD.
* New HIPAA guidelines provide essential standards necessary for clinical practice.
* New Introduction to Terminology better prepares students for required A&P and Pathology courses
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Unit One: Surveying the Territory: History, Standards, Boundaries, Equipment and Environment
1. A Historical Perspective of Massage
2. The Therapeutic Relationship Enhanced!
3. Tools of the Trade and the Massage Environment
Unit Two: Benefits, Contraindications, Screening, Technique, and Special Considerations for the Massage Practitioner
4. Health, Hygiene, Sanitation, and Safety Standards
5. Massage Physiology: Benefits, Indications, Contraindications, and Endangerment Sites Enhanced!
6. The Science of Body and Table Mechanics
7. Classifying Swedish Massage Movements
8. Assessment and Planning Enhanced!
9. Pregnancy and Infant Massage New!
10. Adaptive Massage Enhanced!
Unit Three: Anatomy and Physiology for the Massage Therapist
11. Introduction to the Human Body
12. Integumentary System
13. Skeletal System
14. Skeletal Nomenclature
15. Muscular System
16. Muscular Nomenclature and Kinesiology
17. Nervous System
18. Endocrine Glands and Hormones
19. Circulatory and Lymphatic/Immune Systems
20. Respiratory System
21. Digestive System
22. Urinary System
23. Reproductive System New!
Unit Four: A User’s Guide to Complementary and Adjunctive Therapies
24. Hydrotherapy and Spa Applications Enhanced!
25. Foot Reflexology New!
26. Clinical Massage for Sports and Rehabilitation Enhanced!
27. Seated Massage
28. Eastern Massage Therapies Enhanced!
Unit Five: Business Practices
29. The Business of Massage Enhanced!
A. The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Code of Ethics
B. The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Standards of Practice
C. Common Abbreviations, Symbols, Prescriptive Directions, Medical Terminology, Pathologies, Modalities, and Findings
D. Nutrition New!
E. Pharmacology New!
-Author Information-
By Susan G. Salvo, BEd, LMT, NTS, CI, NCTMB, Co-Owner, Co-Director, and Instructor, Louisiana Institute of Massage Therapy, Lake Charles, LA; Veteran Massage Therapist, Lake Charles, LA
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