도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Uniquely balanced in its coverage of cardiac and pulmonary systems in health and dysfunction, this student-friendly text includes a new holistic perspective on providing care. Based on the latest scientific literature and research, the text sets the foundation with strong A&P, assessment and intervention coverage. The focus of the rehabilitation section is on the patient, detailing therapy guidelines for patients with acute, chronic and critical care conditions, while also addressing special patient population, such as pediatrics and the elderly. The fourth edition expands its coverage of secondary conditions and has additional content on health care trends related to evidence-based management to promote cost-effective management. The concept of oxygen transport is interwoven throughout.
Integrates real-life, clinical cases within the textbook to enable the reader to apply concepts covered in the chapter.
Content covers the spectrum from acute to long-term conditions.
Covers secondary cardiovascular/cardiopulmonary conditions as well as primary conditions.
Special topics are highlighted at the end to keep abreast of new directions and initiatives in the specialty.
Focuses on evidence-based medicine to bridge the gap between the importance of research to reimbursement.
Evolve Learning Resources Website includes an Electronic Image Collection with all the images from the book for instructors. For students, a Clinical Case Study Guide provides additional cases to develop problem-solving and clinical reasoning skills.
What's New
Emphasizes the global perspective of health to make students more aware of the cross-cultural and global view of health care.
Expanded section on health psychology and living a healthy lifestyle.
Expanded section on secondary cardiovascular and pulmonary conditions shows that “every patient” is a cardiovascular and pulmonary patient.
Integrates oxygen transport throughout to demonstrate how cardiac and pulmonary function together.
Focuses on evidence-based medicine to bridge the gap between the importance of research and reimbursement
Uses case vignettes as models of evidence-based practice and clinical decision making to help the student apply real-life scenarios to evidence-based practice and the process of decision making.
Pharmacology chapter has been substantially revised and updated to show the importance of pharmacology to cardiopulmonary care.
Incorporates The Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, 2nd Edition, which sets the standard in physical therapy.
New appendix with a prototype for a cardiac rehabilitation program and a pulmonary rehabilitation program enables the readers to understand how rehabilitation programs work.
Expanded section on community and home care.
New information on noninvasive mechanical ventilation.
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