도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Authoritative and insightful, this important text provides an update on the latest advances in the areas of biomedical research that are at the interface of science and clinical medicine, where new discoveries in genetics, molecular and cell biology are not only enhancing our understanding of the etiology and progression of disease but are finding application in the development of new drugs or the implementation of new kinds of therapy. Reviewing current knowledge of the mechanisms contributing to hypertension, an internationally renowned team of contributors highlights developments across a broad range of disciplines and provides an overview of the advances in biomedical research that have a direct bearing on current clinical studies. A key work in its field, this text will have broad appeal to clinical cardiologists, vascular medicine specialists, and internists, as well as members of the cardiovascular research community and pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1 Molecular aspects of the renal renin-angiotensin system 3
2 Angiotensin signaling in hypertension 15
3 Angiotensin AT[subscript 1] receptors 25
4 The angiotensin type 2 (AT[subscript 2]) receptor in cardiovascular and renal regulation 41
5 Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 : a potential target for cardiovascular therapy 51
6 The biology of angiotensin II (formation, metabolism, fragments, measurement) 61
7 Pro(renin) receptors : their functional properties 69
8 Brain renin-angiotensin system : focus on transgenic animal models 75
9 The adrenal renin-angiotensin system 85
10 The cardiac renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in hypertension and heart failure 91
11 Intracrine mechanisms in hypertension 97
12 Nonmodulators and essential hypertension 109
13 Primary aldosteronism 113
14 Mineralcorticoid hypertension 123
15 Pathophysiologic effects of aldosterone in cardiovascular tissues 133
16 Endothelins : molecular mechanisms in hypertension and cardiovascular diseases 141
17 Role of vascular endothelin in hypertension 155
18 Molecular effects of vasopressin, thyroid hormones, parathyroid hormone, and growth hormone on blood pressure 163
19 Vasopressin receptors : molecular mechanisms in hypertension and cardiovascular diseases 173
20 Neuropeptide Y, calcitonin, calcitonin gene-related peptide and adrenomedullin 183
21 Leptin and obesity-associated hypertension 191
22 Molecular aspects of the natruireic peptide system 199
23 Vascular growth mechanisms in hypertension 211
24 The adrenal medulla in hypertension 217
25 Clinical characteristics of pheochromocytoma 225
26 Microarray analysis models of hypertension 233
27 Genetics of human essential hypertension - from single mutations to quantitative trait loci 241
28 Nitric oxide : molecular mechanisms in hypertension and cardiovascular disease 251
29 Molecular regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase 261
30 Molecular mechanisms of myocardial remodeling in hypertensive heart disease 269
31 Apoptosis : molecular mechanisms in hypertension 275
32 Na,K-ATPase inhibitors in hypertension 291
33 Oxidative events in cell and vascular biology 297
34 Oxidative stress in hypertension 321
35 Inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension : molecular mechanisms 335
36 Biological effects of salt loading 343
37 The renal dopamine system : paracrine regulator of salt sensitivity and blood pressure 351
38 Hypertension and diabetes mellitus 361
39 Critical role of dyslipidemia and angiotensin II in atherogenesis 375
40 Molecular mechanisms in obesity hypertension : focus on the renin-angiotensin system and the sympathetic nervous system 385
41 Obesity and hypertension : a clinical update 397
42 Mechanisms of sex differences in hypertension 407
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