도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Therapeutic Strategies in Heart Failure is a pragmatic textbook written by active clinicians and investigators that is sharply focused on what the doctor needs to know to achieve the best possible outcome in patients with heart failure. The authors have incorporated all of the most recent definitive trial data, in a user friendly format, with frequent summary boxes and highlighted points of emphasis. The book begins with the prevention of heart failure, discusses best application of standard therapies, describes progress with current cutting edge treatments, and anticipates future therapeutic interventions. To complete the thought process, the final section deals with the avant garde issues in heart failure ? the use of registry data, acute decompensated heart failure, device therapy, mechanical support for failing ventricles and a candid discussion of palliative care. The busy clinician is likely to find that Therapeutic Strategies in Heart Failure provides a useful template to optimize outcomes in the management of heart failure.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
PART I: Preventive therapies for chronic heart failure
1. The prevention of heart failure, S Nesbitt
2. Left ventricular hypertrophy, M Drazner
3. Addressing the metabolic syndrome, R Shannon
4. Post MI left ventricular dysfunction, E Velasquez
PART II: Established pharmacological therapies for chronic heart failure
5. Diuretic therapy in heart failure, C Yancy
6. Digoxin therapy in heart failure, J Kalman
7. Neurohormonal activation in heart failure: ACE inhibitors, D Markham
8. Neurohormonal activation in heart failure: angiotensin receptor antagonists, M Felker
9. Neurohormonal activation in heart failure: aldosterone antagonists, R Starling
10. Neurohormonal activation in heart failure: beta blockers, S Kamath
PART III: Emerging pharmacological therapies for heart failure
11. Nitric oxide biology and oxidative stress in heart failure, C Yancy
12. B-type natriuretic peptides in heart failure, T Heywood
PART IV: Future pharmacological therapies for heart failure
13. Arginine vasopressin antagonism in heart failure, J Udelson
14. New inotropes in heart failure - the potential use of CA++ sensitization, K Aaronson
15. Extracellular remodeling in heart failure; the potential use of MMP inhibitors, D Feldman
16. Erythropoietin analogues, S Katz
PART V: Special topics in heart failure
17. Applying data from registries to improve outcomes in heart failure, G Fonarow
18. Acute decompensated heart failure management considerations, M Shah
19. Device therapy in heart failure, P Adamson
20. Ventricular replacement therapy for heart failure, R Bogaev
21. Hospice and palliative care in heart failure, P Hauptman
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