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Global HIV/AIDS Medicine 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 140,000원 17%↓
  • 판매가 : 115,000원
  • 적립금 : 2,300원
  • 저자명 : Paul A. Volberding
  • 출판사 : Saunders
  • PAGE : 846
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2008-01-03
  • ISBN : 14160288

선택된 옵션

  • 총 금액 :
    주문 수량
보관함 담기위시리스트

도서 소개

상품 상세설명

HIV/AIDS management poses many different challenges around the world, and the therapies available in the West are often not economically feasible in developing countries. This new book is the first to address the myriad of clinical difficulties faced by health practitioners worldwide in managing HIV/AIDS. Edited by the same authorities responsible for the highly respected reference "The Medical Management of AIDS," with Associate Editors that include the President of the International AIDS Society and a preeminent opinion leader in the fight against AIDS in Africa, and authored by a "who's who" of current global experts on HIV and AIDS medicine, this visionary text presents all the practical, indispensable information that clinicians everywhere need to offer their patients the best possible care.
-Key Features-
Access reliable, up-to-the-minute guidance that addresses the realities of HIV/AIDS management in your geographical region, thanks to contributions from a global cast of renowned expert clinicians and researchers.
Locate the clinically actionable information you need quickly with an organization that mirrors the current state of the AIDS epidemic and the different needs of Western vs. developing-world patients and clinicians.
Diagnose AIDS manifestations confidently by comparing them to full-color clinical images.
Review essential data quickly through numerous at-a-glance tables.

도서 목차

상품 상세설명

I. The Common Core of HIV Management
A. World-Wide HIV Epidemiology
B. The Virology of HIV Infection
1. Molecular insights into HIV Infection & Pathogenesis
2. Biology of ARV Targets & Mechanism of Action
3. Biology of ART Resistance, Repletive Capacity & Biological Fitness
C. HIV & the Immune System:
1. Immuno-pathogenesis & CD4 Kinetics
2. Immune Response to HIV; CTLs & HIV
3. Consequences of Immune Recovery from ART
D. Biology of HIV Transmission
E. Vaccine Development
II. The Treatment of HIV Infection
A. Natural History of HIV Infection
B. Laboratory Testing for HIV
C. Goals of ART
D. ART Drugs
1. Structure
2. Mechanism of action
3. Toxicity
4. Drug-drug interactions
5. Monitoring therapy
III. Diseases of HIV Infection
A. Organs Affected by HIV
1. Oral complications of HIV
2. Ocular complications of HIV
3. Dermatological complications of HIV
4. Gastrointestinal & hepatic manifestations of HIV
5. Neurological manifestations of HIV
6. Psychiatric manifestations of HIV
7. Hematological manifestations of HIV
8. Cardiovascular complications of HIV
9. Endocrine manifestations of HIV
10. Renal complications of HIV
B. Specific Infections & Malignancies in HIV
1. Pneumocystis pneumonia
2. Other HIV-related pulmonary infections
3. Mycobacterium avium complex & other atypical mycobacterial infections
4. Tuberculosis in the HIV-infected patient
5. Cryptococcosis
6. Histoplasmosis & Blastomycosis
7. Coccidioidomycosis
8. Penicilliosis
9. Candida infections
10. Toxoplasmosis
11. Hepatitis B & C in HIV-infected patients
12. Bacillary angiomatosis and other unusual bacterial infections in HIV-infected patients
13. Herpes virus infections
14. Syphilis and other STDs in HIV-infected patients
15. Malignancies associated with HIV
IV. HIV Care & Prevention in Resource Limited Settings
A. Management of tuberculosis
B. Malaria & HIV infection
C. Etiology and management of diarrhea in HIV-infected patients
D. Implication and management of malnutrition in HIV infection
E. ARV treatment: Unique problems in resource limited settings; generics and laboratory monitoring
F. Models for delivery of ART in Africa
G. ARV treatment in Central & South America
H. ART in Russia & Eastern Europe
I. Prophylactic therapy for prevention of OI’s
J. Maternal to child transmission of HIV
K. Management of HIV in children
L. The unique problems of adolescence with HIV
M. Prevention of HIV: problems unique to Africa
N. Prevention of HIV infection in Southeast Asia; Condoms in Thailand
O. Impact of HIV infection on economic development
V. HIV Management & Prevention in Economically Developed Settings
A. Managing HIV infection in intravenous drug users
B. Pediatric AIDS
C. AIDS in the elderly
D. Special problems associated with women with HIV
E. Guidelines for ART
F. Guidelines for OI prevention & treatment
G. Models for care of HIV-infected patients
H. Community-based prevention programs
I. Alternative therapies in HIV management


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