도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Allergy and Asthma: Practical Diagnosis and Management is a concise guide that puts the most salient insights in allergy medicine right at your fingertips. Written by a leading allergy clinician, along with 30 nationally recognized expert contributors, this resource is perfect for front-line general practitioners, especially primary care physicians and allied health care providers. Inside, you'll find the most clinically relevant information on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of all major allergic disorders.
Need-to-know coverage that spans the entire scope of adult allergy and asthma-geared for real world medical practice
A timely look at occupational allergies and allergies linked to unhealthy environments
Organization by specific organ, which guides you to diagnostic and therapeutic solutions quickly and easily
Essential chapters on the principles of diagnosis and on medications used in the management of simple and complex allergy
Coverage of new complementary and alternative medicine techniques in the management of allergic disorders
Over 100 outstanding illustrations
Key concepts, management protocols, and recent references that deliver s a highly accessible overview of today's allergy practice
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Chapter 1: Introduction to Immune System
Chapter 2:The History and physical examination of the allergic patient
Chapter 3: Prevalence and changes of allergic diseases in childhood, adults and elderly
Chapter 4: Allergic diseases of the eye
Chapter 5: Prevalence of pollens in the United States and the other continents
Chapter 6: Allergic rhinitis
Chapter 7: The Effect of rhinitis on sleep, quality of life, daytime somnolence and fatigue
Chapter 8: Sinusitis
Chapter 9: Allergic Diseases of the Ear
Chapter 10: Cough and allergic diseases
Chapter 11: Urticaria and Angioedema
Chapter 12: Atopic dermatitis
Chapter 13: Allergic contact dermatitis
Chapter 14: Pediatric Asthma
Chapter 15: Adult asthma
Chapter 16: Exercise induced asthma
Chapter 17: Occupational Asthma
Chapter 18: Asthma and pregnancy
Chapter 19: Pseudo- asthma: when cough, wheezing, and dyspnea are not asthma
Chapter 20: Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Chapter 21: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
Chapter 22: Serum sickness
Chapter 23: Complement systems and allergic diseases
Chapter 24: Food allergy
Chapter 25: Insect allergy
Chapter 26: Latex allergy
Chapter 27: Drug Allergy
Chapter 28: Smoke, pollution and allergies
Chapter 29: Sick building syndrome
Chapter 30: Allergy in Elderly
Chapter 31: Diagnostic testing in allergic diseases
Chapter 32: Immunodeficiency
Chapter 33: HIV infection
Chapter 34: Complementary and alternative therapy in treatment of allergic diseases
Chapter 35: Nutrition, diet, and allergic diseases
Chapter 36: Prevention and control measures in management of allergic diseases
Chapter 37: Antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers
Chapter 38: Bronchodilators
Chapter 39: Glucocorticoids
Chapter 40: Anti IgE antibody
Chapter 41: Allergy Immunotherapy
Chapter 42: Anaphylaxis and its management
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