도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Until very recently, what we knew about the neural basis of cognitive aging was based on two disciplines that had very little contact with each other. Whereas the neuroscience of aging investigated the effects of aging on the brain independently of age-related changes in cognition, the cognitive psychology of aging investigated the effects of aging on cognition independently of age related changes in the brain. Because an increasing number of studies have focused on the relationships between cognitive aging and cerebral aging, these two disciplines have begun to interact. This rapidly growing body of research has come to constitute a new discipline: cognitive neuroscience of aging. The goal of this book is to introduce this new discipline at a level that is useful to both professionals and students in cognitive neuroscience, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, neuropsychology, neurology, and related areas. The book is divided into four main sections. The first section describes noninvasive measures of cerebral aging, including structural (e.g., volumetric MRI), chemical, (e.g., dopamine PET), electrophysiological (e.g., ERP's), and hemodynamic measures (e.g. fMRI), and discusses how they can be linked to behavioral measures of cognitive aging. The second section reviews evidence for the effects of aging on neural activity during different cognitive functions, including perception and attention, use of imagery, working memory, long-term memory, and prospective memory. The third section focuses on clinical and applied concerns, such as the distinction between health aging and aging with Alzheimer's disease, and the use of cognitive training to ameliorate age-related cognitive decline. The final section describes theories that relate cognitive and cerebral aging, including models accounting for functional neuroimaging evidence and models supported by computer simulations. Taken together, the chapters in this volume provide the first unified and comprehensive overview of the new discipline of cognitive neuroscience of aging.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1 Cognitive neuroscience of aging : emergence of a new discipline by Roberto Cabeza and Lars Nyberg and Denise C. Park 3
2 The aging brain observed in vivo : differential changes and their modifiers by Naftali Raz 19
3 The role of dopamine systems in cognitive aging by Lars Backman and Lars Farde 58
4 Electrophysiological and optical measures of cognitive aging by Monica Fabiani and Gabriele Gratton 85
5 BOLD functional MRI and cognitive aging by Adam H. Gazzaley and Mark D'Esposito 107
6 The relationship between brain activity, cognitive performance, and aging : the case of memory by Michael D. Rugg and Alexa M. Morcom 132
7 Age-related changes in neural activity during visual perception and attention by David J. Madden and Wythe L. Whiting and Scott A. Huettel 157
8 The cognitive neuroscience of working memory and aging by Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz and Ching-Yune C. Sylvester 186
9 Long-term memory and aging : a cognitive neuroscience perspective by Denise C. Park and Angela H. Gutchess 218
10 The neural basis of age-related declines in prospective memory by Robert West 246
11 Three principles for cognitive aging research : multiple causes and sequelae, variance in expression and response, and the need for integrative theory by Randy L. Buckner 267
12 Functional connectivity during memory tasks in healthy aging and dementia by Cheryl L. Grady 286
13 Cognitive training in healthy aging : a cognitive neuroscience perspective by Lars Nyberg 309
14 Age-related changes in hemispheric organization by Sander Daselaar and Roberto Cabeza 325
15 Neurocomputational perspectives linking neuromodulation, processing noise, representational distinctiveness, and cognitive aging by Shu-Chen Li 354
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