도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Thoroughly updated for its Seventh Edition, this practical quick-reference manual presents authoritative patient management guidelines based on the extensive clinical experience at The Children's Hospital in Boston. Coverage includes normal newborn, well-child, and adolescent care, acute care, disorders of each organ system, behavioral disorders, and management of the child with developmental disabilities and specialized health care needs. The text includes numerous easy-to-scan tables and a popular "A to Z" drug formulary.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Caring for Children
John W. Graef, Joanne Wolfe, and Christina Ullrich
Principles of Normal Newborn, Well-Child, and Adolescent Care
Wanessa Risko and Sara Forman
Fluid and Electrolytes
Cynthia Wong and John T. Herrin
Antimicrobials and Infectious Diseases
Marvin B. Harper and Charlotte A. Mao
Management of Sick Newborn
Tanzeema Hossain and Anne Hansen
Emergency and Intensive Care
Mark I. Neuman, Michael L. McManus, and Andrew J. Capraro
Alan Woolf
Renal Disorders
Michelle A. Baum and Michael J.G. Somers
Cardiac Disorders
John M. Costello and Edward P. Walsh
Management of Nutritional, Gastrointestinal, and Hepatic Disorders
Douglas S. Fishman and Athos Bousvaros
Metabolic Disorders
Edward Neilan and Deborah Marsden
Endocrine Disorders
Joseph I. Wolfsdorf and Diego Botero
Prepubertal and Adolescent Gynecologic Disorders
Susan H. Gray and Marc R. Laufer
Hematologic Disorders
Christy Duncan and Matthew M. Heeney
Allergic and Immunodeficiency Disorders
Bryce A. Binstadt and Lynda Schneider
Dermatologic Disorders
Stephen Gellis
Inflammatory Disorders
Robert Sundel
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Richard G. Bachur and Peter M. Water
Neurologic Disorders
Omar Khwaja, Alexander Rotenberg, and Scott L. Pomeroy
Management of the Child with Developmental Disabilities and Specialized Health Care Needs
Laurie Glader and Nedda Hobbs
Behavioral Disorders
Carolyn Bridgemohan and Barbara Burr
Shannon F. Manzi and Brenda Dodson
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