도서 소개
상품 상세설명
This comprehensive reference addresses all aspects of fetal and neonatal pathology, including complicated pregnancies, multiple pregnancies, abortion, placental pathology, and disorders affecting the full-term neonate. A consistent organization allows for quick access to specific guidance, and nearly 2,500 illustrations – 2,350 in full color – depict conditions and abnormalities as they present in practice, facilitating diagnosis. An Image Bank on CD-ROM – new to this edition – features all of the illustrations from the 2-volume set, downloadable for presentations.
New to this Edition
Provides the latest guidance on molecular pathology, immunohistochemistry, DNA technology, and more.
Offers an expanded discussion of developmental biology related to the pathogenesis of birth defects.
Features user-friendly summary tables and diagnostic flow charts, making information quick and easy to find.
Includes a CD-ROM featuring all of the illustrations from the 2-volume set
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Pare 1 Genetic and Developmental Pathology
1. Mechanisms of Development and Growth: Molecular Genetics
2. Causes and Pathogenesis of Birth Defects
3. Abnormalities of Blastogenesis, Organogenesis, and Phenogenesis
4. Pathology of Abortion: The Embryo and the Previable Fetus
5. Causes of Stillbirth and Neonatal Death
6. Prenatal Diagnosis
7. Pathology of the Placenta
8. Multiple Pregnancies and Conjoined Twins
9. Disruptions:
I. Teratogenic Disruptions
II. Vascular Disruptions
10. Chromosomal Abnormalities
11. Sudden Death in Infants:
I. Sudden and Unexpected Death in Infants
II. Mechanisms of the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
12. Complications of Perinatal Care
Part 2 Systematic Pathology
13. Perinatal, Fetal, and Embryonic Autopsy
14. Infectious Diseases
15. Nutritional Diseases
16. Metabolic Diseases
17. Cardiovascular System:
I. Development of the Heart and Congenital Malformations
II. Cardiovascular Disorders
18. Respiratory System
19. Gastrointestinal Tract and Pancreas
Volume 2
20. Liver, Gallbladder, and Biliary Tract
21. Renal System:
I. Kidneys and Urinary Tract
II. Genetic Disorders and Malformation Syndromes
22. Hematopoietic System:
I. Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood
II. Coagulation Disorders
23. Thymus, Spleen, Lymphoid, Tissues, and Immunodeficiency Disorders
24. Central Nervous System:
I. Development
II. Malformations
III. Fetal and Neonatal Brain Damage
IV. The “At-Risk” Fetus
25. Endocrine Glands
26. Reproductive System
27. Soft Tissue Tumors
28. Skin Diseases
29. Neuromuscular Diseases
30. Skeletal System:
I. Osteochondrodysplasias and Dysostoses
II. Infections
31. The Eye
32. Head and Neck:
I. Craniofacial Abnormalities
II. Salivary Glands
33. Pediatric Forensic Pathology
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