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Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry(5th) 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 420,000원 10%↓
  • 판매가 : 378,000원
  • 적립금 : 5,000원
  • 저자명 : Jan Lindhe
  • 출판사 : [Blackwell]
  • PAGE : 1448
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2008-02-01
  • ISBN : 9781405160995

선택된 옵션

  • 총 금액 :
    주문 수량
보관함 담기위시리스트

도서 소개

상품 상세설명

개원의 : 58%
공보의 : 16%
일반 : 8%
전임의 : 8%
학생 : 8%
Hardcover - 487 Pages,
본 서는 다음의 경우에 도움이 됩니다
- 각질환별 약물의 용량,용법을 빠른 시간내에 확인하고자 할때
- 지금까지 자신이 하던 처방과 다른 처방들에 대하여 알고 싶을때
- 처음 자신의 외래 진료에 임할때
- 각 질환,약물의 보험심사기준을 확인해야 할때
- 각 질환의 상병기호가 궁금할때
. 2006년 건강보험통계상의 100상병을 기준으로 한 87개 항목,90여가지
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상병기호,처방례 등을 간단 명료하게 정리하였읍니다.
. 본서는 기존 개원의,신규 개원의,봉직의, 공중보건의,군의관 선생님등
1차 의료에 종사하시는 모든 선생님들께 도움이 되고자 합니다

도서 목차

상품 상세설명

Volume 1: Basic Concepts
Editors: Lindhe, Lang, Karring
Part 1: Anatomy
1. The anatomy of periodontal tissues: Lindhe, Karring, Araújo
2. The edentulous alveolar ridge: Araújo, Lindhe
3. The mucosa at teeth and implants: Lindhe, Wennström, Berglundh
4. Bone as a tissue: Giannobile, Rios, Lang
5. Osseointegration: Lindhe, Berglundh, Lang
6. Periodontal tactile perception and peri-implant osseoperception: Jacobs
Part 2: Epidemiology
7. Epidemiology of periodontal diseases: Papapanou, Lindhe
Part 3: Microbiology
8. Oral biofilms and calculus: Lang, Mombelli, Attström
9. Periodontal infections: Socransky, Haffajee
10. Peri-implant infections: Teles, Haffajee, Socransky
Part 4: Host-Parasite Interactions
11. Pathogenesis of periodontitis: Kinane, Berglundh, Lindhe
12. Modifying factors: Palmer, Soory
13. Susceptibility: Loos, van der Velden, Laine
Part 5: Trauma from Occlusion
14. Trauma from occlusion: periodontal tissues: Lindhe, Nyman, Ericsson
15. Trauma from occlusion: peri-implant tissues: Lang, Berglundh
Part 6: Periodontal Pathology
16. Non-plaque induced inflammatory gingival lesions: Holmstrup
17. Plaque-induced gingival diseases: Mariotti
18. Chronic periodontitis: Kinane, Lindhe, Trombelli
19. Aggressive periodontitis: Tonetti, Mombelli
20. Necrotizing periodontal disease: Holmstrup, Westergaard
21. Periodontal disease as a risk for systemic disease: Williams, Paquette
22. The periodontal abscess: Sanz, Herrera, van Winkelhoff
23. Lesions of endodontic origin: Bergenholtz, Ricucci
Part 7: Peri-implant Pathology
24. Peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis: Berglundh, Lindhe, Lang
Part 8: Tissue Regeneration
25. Concepts in periodontal tissue regeneration: Karring, Lindhe
Volume 2: Clinical Concepts
Editors: Lang, Lindhe
Part 9: Examination Protocols
26. Examination of patients with periodontal diseases: Salvi, Lindhe, Lang
27. Examination of the candidate for implant therapy: Weber, Buser, Belser
28. Radiographic examinations of the implant patient: Gröndahl, Gröndahl
29. Examination of patients with implant-supported restorations: Brägger
30. Risk assessment of the implant patient: Armitage, Lundgren
Part 10: Treatment Planning Protocols
31. Treatment planning of patients with periodontal diseases: Salvi, Lindhe, Lang
32. Treatment planning for implant therapy in the periodontally compromised patient: Wennström, Lang
33. Systemic phase of therapy: Lang, Baur
Part 11: Initial Periodontal Therapy (Infection Control)
34. Motivational interviewing: Ramseier, Catley, Krigel, Bagramian
35. Mechanical supragingival plaque control: van der Weijden, Echeverria, Sanz, Lindhe
36. Chemical supragingival plaque control: Addy, Moran
37. Non-surgical therapy: Claffey, Polyzois
Part 12: Additional Therapy
38. Periodontal surgery: access therapy: Wennström, Heijl, Lindhe
39. Treatment of furcation-involved teeth: Carnevale, Pontoriero, Lindhe
40. Endodontics and periodontics: Bergenholtz, Hasselgren
41. Treatment of peri-implant lesions: Berglundh, Lang, Lindhe
42. Antibiotics in periodontal therapy: Mombelli
Part 13: Reconstructive Therapy
43. Regenerative periodontal therapy: Cortellini, Tonetti
44. Mucogingival therapy - periodontal plastic surgery: Wennström, Zucchelli, Pini Prato
45. Periodontal plastic microsurgery: Burkhardt, Lang
46. Re-osseointegration: Berglundh, Lindhe
Part 14: Surgery for Implant Installation
47. Timing of implant placement: Hämmerle, Araújo, Lindhe
48. The surgical site: Quirynen, Lekholm
Part 15: Reconstructive Ridge Therapy
49. Ridge augmentation procedures: Hämmerle, Jung
50. Elevation of the maxillary sinus floor: Pjetursson, Lang
Part 16: Occlusal and Prosthetic Therapy
51. Tooth-supported fixed partial dentures: Lindhe, Nyman
52. Implants in restorative dentistry: Lang, Salvi
53. Implants in the esthetic zone: Belser, Bernard, Buser
54. Implants in the posterior dentition: Belser, Buser, Bernard
55. Implant-implant and tooth-implant supported fixed partial dentures: Stanford, Cooper
56. Complications related to implant-supported restorations: Ko, Stanford, Cooper
Part 17: Orthodontics and Periodontics
57. Tooth movements in the periodontally compromised patient: Zachrisson
58. Implants used for orthodontic anchorage: Schätzle, Lang
Part 18: Supportive Care
59. Supportive periodontal therapy (SPT): Lang, Brägger, Salvi, Tonetti
Part 19: Halitosis
60. Halitosis control: Winkel


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