도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Volume 1: Unit Operations and Mechanical Properties
1. Principles of Sampling for Particulate Solids
2. Particle and Powder Bed Properties
3. Flow: General Principles of Bulk Solids Handiing
4. Blending and Blend Uniformity
5. Milling
6. Drying
7. Spray Drying: Theory and Pharmaceutical Applications
8. Pharmaceutical Granulation Processes, Mechanism, and the Use of Binders
9. Dry Granulation
10. The Preparation of Pellets by Extrusion/Spheronization
11. Coating Processes and Equipment
12. Aqueous Polymeric Film Coating
13. The Application of Thermal Analysis to Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms
14. Preformulation Studies for Tablet Formulation Development
15. Stability Kinetics
16. Compaction Simulation
17. Compression and Compaction
Volume 2: Rational Design and Formulation
1. Mass Transfer from Solid Oral Dosage Form
2. Approaches for Improving Bioavailability of Poorly Soluble Drugs
3. Aims and Objectives and of Experimental Design and Optimization in Formulation and Process Development
4. Knowledge-based Systems and Other AI Applications for Tableting
5. Direct Compression and the Role of Filler-binders
6. Disintegrants in Tableting
7. Lubricants, Glidants and Antiadherents
8. Surfactants and Colors in Tablets
9. Orally Disintegrating Tablets and Related Tablet Formulations
10. Formulation Challenges: Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Dosage Forms
11. Botanicals and Their Formulation into Oral Solid Dosage Forms
12. Formulation of Specialty Tablest for Slow Oral Dissolution
13. Formulation and Design of Veterinary Tablets
14. Swellable and Rigid Matrices: Controlled Release Matrices with Cellulose
15. Carrageenans in Solid Dosage Form Design
16. Osmotic Systems
17. Tableting of Multiparticulate Modified Release Systems
Volume 3: Manufacture and Process Control
1. Tooling for Pharmaceutical Processing
2. Tablet Press Instrumentation in the Research and Development Environment
3. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Changes in Paradigms
4. A Forword-Looking Approach to process Scale-Up for Solid Dose
5. Dissolution and Drug Release Testing
6. Setting Dissolution Specifications
7. Mechanical Strength of Tablets
8. cGmps for the 21st Century and ICH Quality Initiatives
9. Intellectual Property, Patent, and Patenting Process in the Pharmaceutical
10. Near-infrared Chemical Imaging for Characterizing Pharmaceutical dosage Forms
11. Surface Area, Porosity, and Related Physical Characteristics
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