도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Discovering and then understanding genetic complexity and its interaction with experience is the dream that is the new royal road to the mystery of mind and its aberrations with respect to cognition, emotion, and behavior; for colleagues to be informed companions on this journey, there is fundamental advance knowledge to acquire. The volume, Psychiatric Genetics: Applications in Clinical Practice by Smoller et al is the atlas that provides the comprehensive, informed, and accessible roadmap, preparing us for a career-long encounter with new insights into brain, behavior, and psychopathology. Now we have the gear to be prepared to embark. --Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, M.D., Psychiatrist-in-Chief, Massachusetts General Hospital, Stanley Cobb Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Jordan Smoller and colleagues have produced a lucid and very useful volume that explicates a very important but often difficult topic. Both practitioners and their patients will benefit from the sophistication that this volume imparts. --Steven E. Hyman, M.D., Provost, Harvard University
The genetic express in psychiatry is on its way; no question about it. The train hasn t arrived; only a few stations have been built, but it s time to get aboard. This first-rate text helps us to talk to the passengers about the known and the unknown, and how to assess the evidence. It s here in the nick of time; read it. You won t be left at the station. --Leon Eisenberg, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus, Harvard Medical School
Product Description
Psychiatric Genetics is the first book to focus on clinical applications of genetics in psychiatry. It covers issues involved in genetic counseling, the interpretation of familial and genetic information for clinical use, information regarding risks associated with specific psychiatric disorders, and the uses of genetic testing. Written explicitly for practitioners, it offers a clinically relevant resource to help readers interpret the often bewildering flood of information about genetics and to facilitate responding to patients requests to predict the risk of recurrence of psychiatric illness or provide information about reproductive and pregnancy-related issues.
The book first presents a framework for understanding and critically evaluating psychiatric genetic research literature, then provides guidelines for genetic counseling. Subsequent chapters summarize genetic aspects of major psychiatric conditions from childhood-onset disorders through psychotic, mood, and anxiety disorders to dementia as well as neuropsychiatric manifestations of other genetic disorders. Risk/benefit considerations related to medication use during pregnancy are then presented. Coverage of ethical, legal, and social implications illustrates the dilemmas that arise with advances in genetic research. Whether used as a clinical guide, reference, or ancillary text, Psychiatric Genetics provides the most up-to-date source on the impact of this growing field on everyday psychiatric practice.
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