도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Difficult concepts are beautifully and uniquely covered with simple analogies to encourage understanding. The discoveries in biochemistry and molecular biology in the last few years have been very exciting and this book is one of the few texts able to convey this excitement with its unique style. Lynn Rogers, The University of Adelaide, Australia I feel it is one of the best in its class in terms of depth and level for students on multidisciplinary biology and biomedical science courses. I also very much appreciate the increasing emphasis on human examples. Dr Alison Caswell, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK This is a well-written, accessible book, which should appeal to students during their first major encounter with biochemistry and molecular biology. Throughout the book, reference is made to health, disease and treatment, which should make the text more relevant and interesting to undergraduate students, especially those on medically-related courses. Dr Caroline Owen, Kingston University, UK I think this text is improving vastly. I liked the last edition but it looks as if this will be betterI see an obvious attempt to identify areas which students find difficult and a willingness to take on approaches which help students learn. The book seems to me to be written with its target audience always in mindI particularly liked the way in which fundamental biological principles are never forgotten. This made my reading of the chapters quite stimulating. Dr John Wright, University of East London,
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Part 1 Basic concepts of life
1. The basic molecular themes of life
2. Cells and viruses
3. Energy considerations in biochemistry
Part 2 Structure and function of proteins and membranes
4. The structure of proteins
5. Methods in protein investigation
6. Enzymes
7. The cell membrane and membrane proteins
8. Muscle contraction, the cytoskeleton, and molecular motors
Part 3 Metabolism
9. Food digestion, absorption, distribution to the tissues and appetite control
10. Mechanisms of transport, storage and mobilisation of dietary components
11. Principles of energy release from food
12. Glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport system
13. Energy release from fat
14. The synthesis of fat and related compounds
15. Synthesis of glucose (gluconeogenesis)
16. Strategies for metabolic control and their applications to carbohydrate and fat metabolism
17. Why should there be an alternative pathway of glucose oxidation? The pentose phosphate pathway
18. Raising electrons of water back up the energy scale - photosynthesis
19. Amino acid metabolism
20. Nucleotide synthesis and metabolism
Part 4 Information storage and utilisation
21. The genome
22. DNA synthesis, repair and recombination
23. Gene transcription and control
24. Protein synthesis and controlled protein breakdown
25. The RNA world - RNA microgenes and RNA interference
26. Protein sorting and delivery
27. Cell signalling
28. Manipulating DNA and genes
Part 5 Molecular biology in health and disease
29. Special topics: blood clotting, xenobiotic metabolism, reactive oxygen species
30. The immune system
31. The cell cycle and its control
32. Apoptosis
33. Cancer
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