도서 소개
상품 상세설명
The premier single-volume reference in the field of anesthesia, Clinical Anesthesia is now in its Sixth Edition, with
thoroughly updated coverage, a new full-color design, and a revamped art program featuring 880 full-color
illustrations. More than 80 leading experts cover every aspect of contemporary perioperative medicine in one
comprehensive, clinically focused, clear, concise, and accessible volume. Two new editors, Michael Cahalan, MD and M.
Christine Stock, MD, join Drs. Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting for this edition.
A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
INTRODUCTION TO ANESTHESIOLOGY: History of Anesthesia / Scope of Practice / Occupational Health / Anesthetic Risk,
Quality Improvement and Liability
SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATIONS OF ANESTHESIA: Mechanisms of Anesthesia and Consciousness / Pharmacogenomics and Proteomics /
Pharmacologic Principles / Electrical Fire and Safety / Experimental Design and Statistics
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology / Respiratory Function / Immune Function and Allergic
Response / Inflammation, Wound Healing and Infection / Fluids, Electrolytes, and Acid Base Physiology / Autonomic
Nervous System / Hemostasis and Transfusion Medicine
ANESTHETIC AGENTS, ADJUVANTS, AND DRUG INTERACTION: Inhaled Anesthetics / Intravenous Anesthetics / Opioids /
Neuromuscular Blocking Agents / Local Anesthetics / Drug Interactions
PRE-ANESTHETIC EVALUATION AND PREPARATION: Preoperative Patient Assessment and Management / Malignant Hyperthermia and
Other Inherited Disorders / Rare and Co-existing Diseases / The Anesthesia Workstation and Delivery Systems
ANESTHETIC MANAGEMENT: Standard Monitoring Techniques / Echocardiography / Airway Management / Patient Positioning and
Related Injuries / Monitored Anesthesia Care / Ambulatory Anesthesia / Office Based Anesthesia / Anesthesia Provided at
Alternate Sites / Geriatric Anesthesia / Anesthesia for Trauma and Burn Patients / Epidural and Spinal Anesthesia /
Peripheral Nerve Blockade
ANESTHESIA FOR SURGICAL SUBSPECIALTIES: Anesthesia for Neurosurgery / Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery / Anesthesia for
Cardiac Surgery / Anesthesia for Vascular Surgery / Obstetrical Anesthesia / Neonatal Anesthesia / Pediatric
Anesthesia / Gastrointestinal Disorders / Anesthesia and Obesity / Hepatic Anatomy, Function and Physiology / Endocrine
Function / Anesthesia for Otolaryngologic Surgery / Anesthesia for Ophthalmologic Surgery / Anesthesia for Urologic
Surgery / Anesthesia for Orthopedic Surgery / Transplant Anesthesia
PERIOPERATIVE AND CONSULTATIVE SERVICES: Post Anesthesia Recovery / Critical Care Medicine / Acute Pain Management /
Chronic Pain Management / Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation / Disaster Preparedness
APPENDIX: Electrocardiography
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