도서 소개
상품 상세설명
“Over the last decades, major progress has been made in quality assurance of hemostatic laboratory assays. This book will be an indispensable part of every hemostasis laboratory, where, given its hands-on nature, it will rarely sit to get dusty on the shelves.” - Frits R. Rosendaal, Leiden University Medical Center
The hemostasis laboratory has a vital role in the diagnosis and management of patients with familial and acquired hemorrhagic and thrombotic disorders. Its role in the monitoring traditional anticoagulant therapy as well as therapy using new anticoagulants presents new challenges to the laboratory. Quality in Laboratory Hemostasis and Thrombosis not only addresses these important issues, but also covers international guidelines for testing, the development of international standard materials, management of hemostasis testing from the laboratory to the point of care as well as molecular genetic testing.
Designed as a guide for all those working in hemostasis laboratories, this book details a quality program that, when put into place, will help to improve standards in testing. All of the authors are internationally recognised for their work in hemostasis and thrombosis. Using their experience, they provide information on standards, equipment and methods that will guide the development of a quality program to support all activities in the hemostasis laboratory.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Foreword, Frits R. Rosendaal.
1. General Quality Planning in the Hemostasis Laboratory, John D. Olson.
2. Hemostasis Test Validation, Performance and Reference Intervals: International Recommendations and Guidelines, Richard A. Marlar.
3. International Standards in Hemostasis, Trevor W. Barrowcliffe.
4. Sample Integrity and Preanalytical Variables, Dorothy M. Adcock.
5. Internal Quality Control in the Hemostasis Laboratory, Steve Kitchen, F. Eric Preston, John D. Olson.
6. External Quality Assessment in Hemostasis: Its Importance and Significance, F. Eric Preston, Steve Kitchen, Alok Srivastava.
7. Initial Evaluation of Hemostasis: Reagent and Method Selection, Wayne L. Chandler.
8. Point-of-Care Testing in Hemostasis. Chris Gardiner, Samuel Machin, Ian Mackie.
9. Assay of Factor VIII and Other Clotting Factors, Steve Kitchen, F. Eric Preston.
10. Application of Molecular Genetics to the Investigation of Inherited Bleeding Disorders, Stefan Lethagen, Marianne Schwartz, Lars Bo Nielson.
11. Standardisation of D-dimer Testing, Guido Reber, Philippe de Moerloose.
12. Diagnostic Assessment of Platelet Function, Paquita Nurden, Alan Nurden.
13. Laboratory Evaluation of von Willebrand Disease: Phenotypic Analysis, Emmanuel J. Favaloro.
14. Laboratory Analysis of von Willebrand Disease: Molecular Analysis, Anne Goodeve, Ian Peake.
15. Dilemmas in Heritable Thrombophilia Testing, Isobel Walker, Ian Jennings .
16. Evaluation of Antiphospholipid Antibodies, Michael Greaves.
17. Monitoring Heparin Therapy, Marilyn Johnston.
18. Monitoring Oral Anticoagulant Therapy, Armando Tripodi.
19. Monitoring New Anticoagulants, Elaine Gray, Trevor W. Barrowcliffe.
20. Detecting and Quantifying Functional Inhibitors in Hemostasis, Bert Verbruggen, Irena Nováková, Waander van Heerde
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