도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Section 1: Practical Aspects
1. Laboratory Diagnosis of Bacterial, Parasitic and Fungal Diseases, Alexander J. McAdam
2. Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Diseases, Richard L. Hodinka
3. Vaccines and Vaccine Safety, Michael J. Smith
4. Infection Control in the Office, Thomas J. Sandora 5. Infection Control in the Hospital, Robert Seese and Johanna Goldfarb
6. Infectious Diseases Epidemiology, Kevin J. Downes and Samir S. Shah
Section 2: Signs and Symptoms
7. Chronic Abdominal Pain, Joel Friedlander and Randolph P. Matthews
8. Ataxia, Erika F. Augustine and Annapurna Poduri
9. Dysuria, Kristen Feemster
10. Headache, Robert A. Avery
11. Joint Complaints, Scott M. Lieberman, Melissa A. Lerman, and Jon M. Burnham
12. Neck Pain, Orooj Fasiuddin, Kishore Vellody, and Basil J. Zitelli
13. Rash, Kara N. Smith
14. Stridor, Megan Aylor and Evan Fieldston
15. Wheezing, Evan Fieldston and Megan Aylor
Section 3: Neurologic Infections
16. Meningitis, Marvin B. Harper
17. Encephalitis, Cynthia J. Campen, Sarah M. Kranick, and Daniel J. Licht
18. Transverse Myelitis, Mark P. Gorman and Scott L. Pomeroy
19. Pediatric Movement Disorders and Infectious Disease, Samay Jain
Section 4: Ophthalmologic Infections
20. Conjunctivitis in the Neonate, Margaret R. Hammerschlag and Joseph Sleiman
21. Conjunctivitis in the Older Child, Joseph Sleiman and Margaret R. Hammerschlag
22. Periorbital and Orbital Infections, Latania K. Logan and Tina Q. Tan
23. Infectious Keratitis in Children, Daniel J. Salchow
Section 5: Oral Cavity and Neck Infections
24. Pharyngitis and Stomatitis, Mark S. Pasternack
25. Peritonsillar and Retropharyngeal Abscess, Udayan K. Shah
26. Cervical Lymphadenitis, Yodit Belew and Rebecca E. Levorson 27. Gingival and Periodontal Infections, Nadeem Karimbux and David Kim
Section 6: Upper Respiratory Infections
28. Otitis Media, Donald H. Arnold and David M. Spiro
29. Otitis Externa, Rahul K. Shah and Udayan K. Shah
30. Rhinosinusitis, Peter Clement and Brian T. Fisher
31. Croup, Robert Bruce Wright and Terry Klassen
Section 7: Lower Respiratory Infections
32. Bronchiolitis, Brian K. Alverson
33. Uncomplicated Pneumonia, Gary Frank and Samir S. Shah
34. Complicated Pneumonia, Sanjeev Swami, Peter Mattei, and Samir S. Shah
35. Recurrent Pneumonia, Elizabeth K. Fiorino and Howard B. Panitch
36. Childhood Tuberculosis, Ben J. Marais
Section 8: Cardiac Infections
37. Endocarditis, Michael G.W. Camitta, Joseph W. St. Geme III, and Jennifer S. Li
38. Myocarditis and Pericarditis, Sarah C. McBride and Joshua W. Salvin
Section 9: Gastrointestinal Infections
39. Gastroenteritis, Philip R. Spandorfer
40. Hepatitis, Binita M. Kamath and Barbara A. Haber 41. Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea and Clostridium difficile-Associated Disease, Louis Valiquette and Jacques Pepin
Section 10: Genitourinary Infections 42. Urinary Tract Infections, Mercedes M. Blackstone and Joseph J. Zorc
43. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Oana Tomescu and Nadja G. Peter
44. Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents, Leonard J. Levinea and Sarah M. Taub
Section 11: Skin Infections
45. Skin and Skin Structure Infections, Matthew Kronman
46. Bite Wound Infections, Toni K. Gross and Jill M. Baren Section 12: Bone and Joint Infections
47. Osteomyelitis, Sandra Arnold
48. Septic Arthritis, Pablo Yagupsky
49. Diskitis, Gokce Mik, David A. Spiegel, and John M. Flynn
Section 13: Perinatal and Neonatal Infections
50. Congenital TORCH Infections, Yeisid F. Gozzo and Patrick G. Gallagher
51. Neonatal Fever, Jeffrey R. Avner
Section 14: HIV Exposure and Infection
52. HIV-Exposed Neonate and HIV At-Risk Child, Sarah M. Wood, Richard M. Rutstein, and Andrew P. Steenhoff
53. Care of the HIV-Infected Child, Andrew P. Steenhoff, Wolfgang Rennert, and Richard M. Rutstein
54. Infections in HIV-Infected Children, Andrew P. Steenhoff, Wolfgang Rennert, and Richard M. Rutstein
55. Preventing HIV Infection: Postexposure Prophylaxis, Richard M. Rutstein and Andrew P. Steenhoff
Section 15: Infections Complicating Chronic Diseases
56. Infections in Children wiht Tracheostomy, Jay Berry, Shannon Manzi, and Laura Hammitt
57. Infections in Asplenic Children, Catherine Yen and Adam J. Ratner
58. Infections in Atopic Dermatitis, Jessica K. Hart and Kara N. Shah
Section 16: Congenital Immunodeficiency Syndromes
59. Evaluation of the Child with Suspected Immune Deficiency, Timothy R. La Pine and Harry R. Hill
Section 17: Fever Syndromes
60. Fever of Unknown Origin, Jason G. Newland and Mary Anne Jackson
61. Hereditary Periodic Fever Syndromes, Evelien J. Bodar, Anna Simon, and Joost P.H. Drenth
62. Kawasaki Disease, Adriana H. Tremoulet and Jane C. Burns
63. Mononucleosis Syndromes, Beth C. Marshall and William C. Koch
Section 18: Travel-Related Infections
64. Pretravel Preparation, John C. Christenson
65. Fever in the Returned Traveler, Matthew B. Laurens, Julia Hutter, and Miriam K. Laufer
66. Malaria, Nadia A. Sam-Agudu and Chandy C. John
67. Intestinal Parasites, Nisha Manickam and Michael Cappello
68. International Adoption and Infectious Diseases, Laurie C. Miller and Emma Jacobs
Section 19: Health-Care Acquired Infections
69. Surginal Site Infections, Peter Mattei
70. Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunt Infections, Jessica K. Hart and Samir S. Shah
71. Catheter-Associated Infections, Kristina Bryant and Matthew M. Zahn
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