도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Softcover - 448 pages .
"This excellent, no-frills approach to physiology concepts is designed to help medical students and other health professions students review the basic concepts associated with physiology for the medical profession. The information is concise, accurate and timely."
If you don't have unlimited study time Medical Physiology: The Big Picture is exactly what you need! With an emphasis on what you “need to know” versus “what's nice to know,” and enhanced with 450 full-color illustrations, it offers a focused, streamlined overview of medical physiology. You'll find a succinct, user-friendly presentation designed to make even the most complex concepts understandable in a short amount of time.
With just the right balance of information to give you the edge at exam time, this unique combination text and atlas features:
A “Big Picture” perspective on precisely what you must know to ace your course work and board exams
Coverage of all the essential areas of Physiology, including General, Neurophysiology, Blood, Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, Renal and Acid Base, Gastrointestinal, and Reproductive
450 labeled and explained full-color illustrations
190 board exam-style questions and answers -- including a complete practice test at the end of the book
Special icon highlights important clinical information
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
General Physiology
Membrane Transport
Membrane Potentials and Action Potentials
Cellular Communications
Autonomic Nervous System
Neuromuscular and Synaptic Transmission
Skeletal Muscle
Smooth Muscle
Blood Components
Blood Groups--Transfusion
Hemostasis and Coagulation
Cardiovascular Physiology
Cardiac Electrophysiology
Cardiac Muscle and Mechanics
Regulation of Venous Return and Cardiac Output
Regulation of Arterial Pressure
Capillary Fluid Exchange
Regulation of Blood Flow
Renal Physiology
Body Fluid Compartments
Urine Formation
Glomerular Filtration Rate
Renal Blood Flow
Tubular Processes
Regulation of Extracellular Osmolarity
Control of Blood and Extracellular Volume
Renal Regulation of K+
Ca++, Phosphate, and Mg++
Acid-Base Disturbances
Respiratory Physiology
Ventilation and Lung Mechanics
Alveolar-Blood Gas Exchange
Transport of O2 and CO2
Pulmonary Circulation and Edema
Ventilation/Perfusion Defects
Control of Breathing
Causes of Hypoxemia
Biographical note
Jonathan D. Kibble, PhD, has taught at the University of Sheffield Medical School and at St. George's University (Grenada). Most recently he taught physiology at The Memorial University of Newfoundland, where, in addition to serving as the physiology course director, he did research in renal physiology and active learning methods. He is currently helping to develop the medical curriculum at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine.
Colsey R. Halsey, MD, is a Resident in Internal Medicine at Washington University Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO.
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