도서 목차
상품 상세설명
UNIT ONE: A Nurse’s Perspective of Pharmacology
1. Drug Action: Pharmaceutic, Pharmacokinetic, and Pharmacodynamic Phases
2. Nursing Process and Client Teaching
3. Principles of Drug Administration
UNIT TWO: Dosage Calculations
4. Medications and Calculations
Section 4A: Systems of Measurement with Conversion
Section 4B: Methods for Calculation
Section 4C: Calculations of Oral Dosages
Section 4D: Calculations of Injectable Dosages
Section 4E: Calculations of Intravenous Fluids
Section 4F: Pediatric Drug Calculations
UNIT THREE: Contemporary Issues in Pharmacology
5. The Drug Approval Process
6. Transcultural and Genetic Considerations
7. Drug Interaction and Over-the-Counter Drugs
8. Drugs of Abuse
9. Herbal Therapy with Nursing Implications
10. Pediatric Pharmacology
11. Geriatric Pharmacology
12. Medication Administration in Community Settings
13. The Role of the Nurse in Drug Research
UNIT FOUR: Nutrition and Electrolytes
14. Vitamin and Mineral Replacement
15. Fluid and Electrolyte Replacement
16. Nutritional Support
UNIT FIVE: Autonomic Nervous System Agents
17. Adrenergics and Adrenergic Blockers
18. Cholinergics and Anticholinergics
UNIT SIX: Neurologic and Neuromuscular Agents
19. Central Nervous System Stimulants
20. Central Nervous System Depressants
21. Anticonvulsants
22. Drugs for Neurologic Disorders: Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s Disease
23. Drugs for Neuromuscular Disorders: Myasthenia Gravis, Multiple Sclerosis, and Muscle Spasms
UNIT SEVEN: Antiinflammatory and Pain Management Agents – NEW!
24. Antiinflammatory Drugs
25. Nonopioid and Opioid Analgesics
UNIT EIGHT: Psychiatric Agents
26. Antipsychotics and Anxiolytics
27. Antidepressants and Mood Stabilizer
UNIT NINE: Antibacterial Agents – NEW!
28. Penicillins and Cephalosporins
29. Macrolides, Tetracyclines, Aminoglycosides, and Fluoroquinolones
30. Sulfonamides
UNIT TEN: Antiinfective Agents – NEW!
31. Antituberculars, Antifungals, Peptides, and Metronidazole
32. Antivirals, Antimalarials, and Anthelmintics
33. Drugs for Urinary Tract Disorders
UNIT ELEVEN: Immunologic Agents
34. HIV and AIDS-Related Drugs
35. Vaccines
UNIT TWELVE: Antineoplastic Agents
36. Anticancer Drugs
37. Targeted Therapies to Treat Cancer – NEW!
38. Biologic Response Modifiers
UNIT THIRTEEN: Respiratory Agents
39. Drugs for Upper Respiratory Disorders
40. Drugs for Lower Respiratory Disorders
UNIT FOURTEEN: Cardiovascular Agents
41. Cardiac Glycosides, Antianginals, Antidysrhythmics
42. Diuretics
43. Antihypertensives
44. Anticoagulants, Antiplatelets, and Thrombolytics
45. Antilipids and Peripheral Vasodilators
UNIT FIFTEEN: Gastrointestinal Agents
46. Drugs for Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
47. Antiulcer Drugs
UNIT SIXTEEN: Eye, Ear, and Skin Agents
48. Drugs for Eye and Ear Disorders
49. Drugs for Dermatologic Disorders
UNIT SEVENTEEN: Endocrine Agents
50. Endocrine Drugs: Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Adrenal Disorders
51. Antidiabetics
UNIT EIGHTEEN: Reproductive and Gender-Related Agents
52. Female Reproductive Cycle I: Pregnancy and Preterm Labor Drugs
53. Female Reproductive Cycle II: Labor, Delivery, and Preterm Neonatal Drugs
54. Postpartum and Newborn Drugs
55. Drugs for Women’s Health and Reproductive Disorders
56. Drugs for Men’s Health and Reproductive Disorders
57. Drugs for Infertility and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
UNIT NINETEEN: Emergency Agents
58. Adult and Pediatric Emergency Drugs
Appendix A: Generic Drugs With Corresponding Canadian Trade Drug Names
Appendix B: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM)
Appendix C: Potential Weapons of Bioterrorism
Appendix D: Top 200 Generic Drugs By Units in 2006
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