도서 소개
상품 상세설명
The Cerefy® Atlas of Cerebral Vasculature is an interactive electronic atlas correlating 3D vasculature with surface and sectional anatomy of the human brain. It contains 3D models of the brain's vascular system coregistered with 3D anatomic models of the hemispheres and ventricular system, correlated with neuroimages (MRI, MRA, MRV) of the same specimen. Users can manipulate all the models and neuroimages in real time. The 3D models are labeled with names, diameters, coordinates of vessels, as well as descriptions of anatomy and variability, and references for additional study.
Each 3D vascular model is detailed, highly parcellated, and fully segmented
Color-coding enables rapid identification of the different subgroups and branches of the arterial and venous systems
Users can freely manipulate 3D vascular and anatomical models in real time and display them from any viewpoint and magnification
Vascular models can be dissected, allowing users to build any vascular network composed of arteries and/or veins
3D models can be displayed jointly with the MR triplanar representing sectional anatomy
Self-testing and assessment mode enables users to gauge their comprehension
The Cerefy® Atlas of Cerebral Vasculature is a powerful tool for clinicians, residents, and students in neuroanatomy, neuroradiology, neurosurgery, and neurology who are learning, researching, or planning the treatment of the brain and its vasculature.
System Requirements
PC minimum requirements: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or higher, 1 GB RAM or greater, 128 MB video card memory or greater, 305 MB hard disk space, monitor resolution: 1028 x 768 pixels and 16 bit colors or higher, Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later, or Vista (English version is recommended).
MAC minimum requirements: 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or higher, 2 GB RAM or greater, 128 MB video card memory or greater, 340 MB hard disk space, monitor resolution: 1028 x 768 pixels and 16 bit colors or higher, MAC OS X 10.4 or 10.5 (English version is recommended).
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