도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Presenting a variety of treatment choices supported by the latest clinical research, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: From Research to Practice, 3rd Edition is your guide to understanding how, when, and why to apply physical agents in rehabilitation. This valuable resource details the most up-to-date information on thermal agents, ultrasound, electrical currents, hydrotherapy, traction, compression, lasers, and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, and provides straightforward, full-color explanations that make it easy to integrate physical agents into your patients’ overall rehabilitation plans.
-Key Features-
Comprehensive discussion of the basis for and research on all physical agents generally used by rehabilitation clinicians.
Contraindication and precaution boxes for every physical agent highlight vital information for safely applying treatments.
Application technique boxes in each chapter provide helpful tips and guidelines for effective treatment.
Clinical case studies sharpen your decision-making skills and are presented in each chapter and on the Evolve website searchable by physical agent or by Preferred Practice Patterns from the APTA’s Guide to Physical Therapy Practice, 2nd Edition.
Handy, quick-reference page on the inside back cover provides commonly-used abbreviations and acronyms, and commonly-used units of measure.
Evolve companion website provides additional study tools to reinforce concepts from the text.
Electronic versions of the application techniques, glossaries, and Electrical Stimulation, Ultrasound, and Laser Light Handbook offer customizable quick-reference study guides.
-New to this Edition-
A full chapter detailing the latest research and clinical application recommendations for laser light therapy.
Electrical Stimulation, Ultrasound, and Laser Light Handbook now presented in full color and included in this book and on the companion Evolve website for quick, convenient access to application parameters for these modalities.
The companion Evolve website now also includes printable application techniques so you can create your own “how-to” manual for use in daily practice.
Clinical pearls highlight and emphasize important content.
Glossaries for every chapter introduce and explain new terms to make learning and understanding easier.
Updated study questions provide an opportunity to test your knowledge of content from the book with boards-style questions.
Engaging new learning resources on the Evolve website help you review glossary terms and practice figure labeling and table completion.
Full-color design presents photos and illustrations in vivid detail.
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