도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Detailed and evidence-based, this text focuses on musculoskeletal pathology and injury with descriptions of current and practical rehabilitation methods. PATHOLOGY AND INTERVENTION IN MUSCULOSKELETAL REHABILITATION provides everything you need to create and implement rehabilitation programs for your patients with musculoskeletal disorders due to injury, illness, or surgery. Each intervention includes a rationale, pathology and related problems, stages of healing, evidence in literature, and clinical reasoning considerations. This is the third volume of the new four-volume musculoskeletal rehabilitation series anchored by "Magee’s Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 5th Edition."
Key Features
A companion CD with references and links to MEDLINE abstracts, provides easy access to the articles referenced in the text.
Evidence-based content, with over 4,000 references, supports the scientific principles for rehabilitation interventions, providing the best evidence for the management of musculoskeletal pathology and injury.
Over 150 tables and 250 boxes help organize and summarize important information, highlighting key points.
Over 700 drawings, clinical photos, radiographs, and CT and MRI scans demonstrate and clarify important concepts.
Trusted experts in musculoskeletal rehabilitation — David Magee, James Zachazewski, Sandy Quillen, plus more than 70 contributors — provide authoritative guidance on the management of musculoskeletal pathology and injury
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1. Patient Education, Motivation, Compliance and Adherence to Physical Activity, Exercise and Rehabilitation
2. Cervical Spine
3. Temporomandibular Disorders
4. Shoulder Trauma and Hypomobility
5. Shoulder Instability and Impingement Syndrome
6. Elbow
7. Hand, Wrist and Digit Injuries
8. Thoracic Spine and Ribs
9. Low Back Pain: Causes and Differential Diagnosis
10. Lumbar Spine: Treatment of Hypomobility and Disc Conditions with Mobilization
11. Lumbar Spine: Treatment of Instability and Disorders of Movement Control
12. Spinal Pathology: Non-Surgical Intervention
13. Spinal Pathology, Conditions and Deformities – Surgical Intervention
14. An Integrated Multimodal Approach for the Treatment of Pelvic Girdle Pain and Dysfunction
15. Hip Pathologies: Diagnosis and Intervention
16. The Knee: Ligamentous and Patellar Tendon Injuries
17. Injuries to the Meniscus and Articular Cartilage
18. Patellofemoral Joint
19. Rehabilitation of Leg, Ankle and Foot Injuries
20. Peripheral Nerve Injuries
21. Repetitive Stress Pathology – Bone
22. Repetitive Stress Pathology – Soft Tissue
23. Musculoskeletal Developmental Disorders
24. Pediatric and Adolescent Considerations
25. Shoulder Arthroplasty
26. Physical Rehabilitation after total Hip Arthroplasty
27. Physical Rehabilitation after total knee arthroplasty
28. Management of Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
29. Systemic Bone Diseases: Their Medical and Rehabilitation Intervention
30. Muscle Disease and Dysfunction
31. Fibromyalgia and related disorders
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