도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Hardcover - 754 pages . 4/e
Now in its Fourth Edition with a new editorial team, this comprehensive text addresses all medical and public health issues involved in the care of crews, passengers, and support personnel of aircraft and space vehicles. Coverage includes human physiology under flight conditions, clinical medicine in the aerospace environment, and the impact of the aviation industry on global public health.
This edition features new chapters on radiation, toxicology and microbiology, dental considerations in aerospace medicine, women's health issues, commercial human space flight, space exploration, and unique aircraft including parachuting. Other highlights include significant new information on respiratory diseases, cardiovascular medicine, infectious disease transmission, and human response to acceleration.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
The Beginnings: Past and Present
J. Robert Dille and Stanley R. Mohler
Jennifer A. Fogarty, Section Editor
Respiratory Physiology and Protection Against Hypoxia
Jeb S. Pickard and David P. Gradwell
Physiology of Decompressive Stress
Jan Stepanek and James Webb
Human Response to Acceleration
Robert Banks, James Brinkley, Richard Allnutt, and Richard M. Harding
Vibration and Acoustics
Suzanne D. Smith, Jerry R. Goodman, and Ferdinand W. Grosveld
Spatial Orientation in Flight
A.J. Parmet and W.R. Ercoline
Thermal Stress
Robert W. Kenefick, Samuel N. Cheuvront, John W. Castellani, and Catherine O''Brien
Cosmic Radiation
Michael Bagshaw and Francis A. Cucinotta
Aerospace Toxicology
John T. James and A.J. Parmet
Space Environments
James Perry Locke
Jan Stepanek, Section Editor
Pilot Health and Aeromedical Recertification
Robert Oxford and Warren S. Silberman
Respiratory Diseases: Aeromedical Implications
Jeb S. Pickard and Gary W. Gray
Clinical Aerospace Cardiovascular Medicine
James R. Strader, Jr., Gary W. Gray, and William B. Kruyer
Ophthalmology in Aerospace Medicine
Thomas J. Tredici and Douglas J. Ivan
Otolaryngology in Aerospace Medicine
James R. Phelan
Aerospace Neurology
Jack Hastings
Aerospace Psychiatry
David R. Jones
Endocrine System and Nephrology
Paula A. Corrigan and Curtiss B. Cook
Infectious Diseases
Glenn W. Mitchell and Gregory J. Martin
Dental Considerations in Aerospace Medicine
William M. Morlang, II
Occupational and Environmental Medical Support to the Aviation Industry
Roy L. DeHart and Steven M. Hetrick
Robert Johnson, Section Editor
Women''s Health Issues in Aerospace Medicine
Monica B. Gorbandt and Richard A. Knittig
An Introduction to Human Factors in Aerospace
Thomas Rathjen, Mihriban Whitmore, Kerry McGuire, Namni Goel, Anthony Tvaryanas, Greg Zehner, Jeffrey Hudson, R. Key Dismukes, and David M. Musson
Space Operations
Richard T. Jennings, Charles F. Sawin, and Michael R. Barratt
Aircraft Accidents: Investigation and Prevention
Stephen J.H. Veronneau and Eduard M. Ricaurte
Aviation Medicine in Unique Environments
Thomas F. Clarke, Roy L. DeHart, et al.
Aerospace Medicine Issues in Unique Aircraft Types
Richard S. Williams, Stephen L. Carpenter, Denise L. Baisden, Arnold A. Angelici, Jr., Stephen A. Bernstein, John A. Smyrski, III, Dougal B. Watson, Shean E. Phelps, Kevin W. Williams, and Melchor J. Antunano
The Practice of International Aerospace Medicine
Claude Thibeault
The Future
Jeffrey R. Davis, Section Editor
Aviation, Government Space, Biomedical Innovations, and Education
Jeffrey R. Davis
Commercial Human Space Flight
Melchor J. Antunano, James M. Vanderploeg, Richard T. Jennings, Elizabeth E. Richard, and P. Vernon McDonald
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