도서 목차
상품 상세설명
1 Introduction.
Albert Altchek.
2 Personal Overview.
Albert Altchek.
3 Age Group Associated Concerns.
Albert Altchek.
4 Evaluation of the newborn.
Albert Altchek.
5 Early Diagnosis and Management of Atypical Appearing Genitalia.
Robert Rapaport and Genna Klein.
6 Diagnosis and Management of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.
Maria I. New, Karen Lin-Su and Saroj Nimkarn.
7 Androgen Insensitivity and Gonadal Dysgenesis.
Claude Migeon and Kara Pappas.
8 The Gynecological Approach to the Child, Adolescent and Young Adult.
Albert Altchek.
9 Vulvovaginitis in the child.
Albert Altchek.
10 Vaginal bleeding in the child.
Albert Altchek.
11 Ovarian Cysts in the Fetus, Infants, and Children.
Mark Arkovitz and Robert Cusick.
12 Genital Trauma.
Diane F. Merritt.
13 Sexual Abuse.
Nancy D. Kellogg.
14 Adolescent Sexuality.
Don Sloan.
15 Psychologic aspects of Gynecologic Problems and Preparing for Psychodramas.
Albert Altchek.
16 Approach to and evaluation of the Adolescent.
Angela Diaz, Ivanya L Alpert, Anne Nucci-Sack, Elizabeth Lorde-Rollins, Mara Minguez and Mary Rojas.
17 Puberty in girls.
Frank Biro.
18 Delayed Puberty.
Janice L. Bacon.
19 Primary and secondary amenorrhea.
Rachel J. Miller and Paula Hillard.
20 Precocious Puberty.
Peter A. Lee and Christopher Houk.
21 Dysmenorrhea.
Albert Altchek.
22 Pelvic Pain, Endometriosis, and the Role of the Gynecologists.
Nezhat Farr, A. Shamshirsaz Alireza, Yildirim Gazi, Ceana Nezhat and Nezhat Camran.
23 Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain in the Adolescent.
Kenneth A. Levey.
24 Adolescent Anovulatory Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding and Menorrahgia.
Albert Altchek.
25 Bleeding Disorders in the Adolescent Female.
Aaron Rausen.
26 Congenital Gynecologic Anomalies I – Rokitansky Syndrome.
Albert Altchek.
27 Congenital Anomalies II and Diagnostic Problems.
Albert Altchek.
28 Laparoscopy in the Pediatric and Adolescent Female.
Robert K. Zurawin.
29 Breast Problems.
Yasmin Jayasinghe and Patricia Simmons.
30 Contraceptive Choices in Pediatrics, Adolescent, and Young Adult Gynecology.
Albert George Thomas.
31 Contraception in Adolescence.
George Creatsas and Efthimios Deligeoroglou.
32 Labor in the Adolescent.
Emanuel A. Friedman.
33 The Polycystic Ovary Syndrome—Challenges and Opportunities in Adolescent Medicine.
Nathan Kase.
34 Acute Abdominal and Pelvic Pain.
Jeremy T. Aidlen and Steven Dolgin.
35 Acute Gynecologic Pain.
Charles Ascher-Walsh and Michael Brodman.
36 Vulva Disorders in Children.
Raymond H. Kaufman.
37 Dermatology – The Dermatologist view of diagnosis and treatment of vulva lesions.
Robin Carder and Jennifer Aranda.
38 Management of Ovarian Cysts in the Adolescent and Young Adult.
John P. Curtin, Leslie Boyd and Khush Mittal.
39 Pediatric Gynecologic Cancer.
Jamal Rahaman and William Bradley.
40 Cervix Cytology, Dysplasia and Human Papillomavirus.
Bradley Monk and Ali Mahdavi.
41 Herpes Simplex Viruses Types 1 and 2.
David Barker.
42 Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Rhoda Sperling.
43 Imaging.
Sabah Servaes.
44 Preservation of Fertility.
Alan B. Copperman and Michelle Tham.
45 Where Law and Medicine Meet.
Rhea G. Friedman, J.D..
46 Minors’ Rights to Reproductive Health Care and Privacy.
Rhea G. Friedman, J.D..
47 HPV Infection and Cervical Neoplasm in Adolescents.
Liane Deligdisch.
48 Endometrial Pathology in Young Patients.
Liane Deligdisch.
49 Ovarian Tumors in Children, Adolescents, and Young Patients.
Liane Deligdisch.
50 Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases in Adolescents and Young Adults.
Liane Deligdisch.
51 Rhabdomyosarcoma of the vagina and cervix.
Frederique Penault-Llorca, Florence Mishellany and Hinde El Fatemi.
52 Benign ovarian disorders.
Frederique Penault-Llorca, Ericka Rivera-Serrano and Wassim Essamet.
53 The History of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology in the United States.
Alvin F. Goldfarb.
54 A History of the International Federation of Infantile and Juvenile Gynaecology.
Irmi-Rey Stocker and Monica Epelman
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