도서 소개
상품 상세설명
일반 : 50%
학생 : 50%
softcover - 592 pages. 450 illustrations Concise, current, and richly illustrated, this one-of-a-kind text encompasses cellular and molecular biological concepts as well as classical morphology to present histology from a functional perspective. A wealth of superb illustrations—including light and electron micrographs as well as schematic diagrams and three-dimensional drawings—make all concepts easy to understand, and clinical correlations underscore the practical relevance of the material. Helpful tables and summary statements summarize vital information at a glance. Thoroughly updated to reflect all of the latest concepts and advances in the field, this third edition also includes full-text online access via www.studentconsult.com, where you'll find a wealth of supplemental tools to facilitate study and exam preparation. Key Features Features an abundance of illustrations, including micrographs, diagrams, drawings, and tables that clarify essential information. Provides clinical considerations in each chapter when appropriate. Key terms are bold face and chapter summaries alert students to important content. Provides a comprehensive cross-referenced index for easy location of needed information. New to this Edition Comes with STUDENT CONSULT – enabling you to access the complete contents of the book at www.studentconsult.com, perform sophisticated searches, and take personal notes online • enhance your learning by completing 200-250 USMLE-style review questions and answers, viewing animations, and turning illustration labels on/off for self testing • follow "Integration Links" to bonus content from other STUDENT CONSULT titles • clip and download content to your handheld device • and much more. Contains a set of PowerPoint™ slides on CD-ROM, prepared by the authors, that offers you a convenient way to review the most essential information from the text. Offers more light micrographs and electron micrographs than ever before – with an increased number of labels in each micrograph to completely identify all of the features represented. Provides an increased focus on molecular biology. Delivers more clinical correlations throughout to more thoroughly demonstrate clinical implications.
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