도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Each volume in the Early Detection and Treatment of Cancer Series is packed with practical, authoritative information
designed to cover the full range of diagnostic procedures, including pathologic, radiologic, bronchoscopic, and
surgical aspects. You’ll be able to determine the safest, shortest, least invasive way to reach an accurate diagnosis;
stage the disease; and choose the best initial treatment for early stages. Based on current evidence in the literature,
authors provide clinical, hands-on tools to help you make informed decisions on precisely what tests and imaging
studies are needed to diagnose and stage each type of cancer. Practical, authoritative, and highly-illustrated, this
volume in the brand new Early Detection and Treatment of Cancer series covers current protocols and the latest advances
in diagnostic imaging and molecular and serologic markers for ovarian cancer. Apply expert advice on the best “next-
step” plan for different presentations and tips for less invasive protocols. Get clinical, hands-on tools to help you
make informed decisions on precisely what tests and imaging studies are needed for accurate diagnosis and staging.
Clear figures, tables, and boxes illustrate step-by-step care of the full range of problems encountered. Better manage
your patients with procedural video clips and more on the included CD-ROM. The small size and convenient format make
this an ideal purchase for diagnostic reference.
Key Features
Outlines the steps after diagnosis to guide you through formulating a treatment or patient care plan.
Emphasizes important points―such as vaccines, paracentesis, and laparoscopic procedures for staging―with “key
points” boxes at the beginning of each chapter and pedagogic features throughout.
Summarizes the process of accurately diagnosing and staging cancer in a logical, almost algorithmic, approach for
easy reference.
Discusses the treatment of early-stage disease so you have clear options for care.
Complements the procedures outlined in the text with full-color photographs and line drawings to reinforce your
understanding of the material.
Features a CD-ROM showing video clips of diagnostic procedures, as well as all of the images, tables, and drawings
from the text to help you better manage your patients.
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