도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Since I became a neurosurgeon in 1973, I specialized in painful lesion and treated many cases via surgical and non-surgical approaches. Each case was reviewed by comparing the pre- and post- treatment objective findings (CT, MRI, X-ray, and laboratory studies). Although objective findings confirmed good results, many patients still suffered from pain. In such cases, neuropsychiatry was consulted for further treatment. However, I continued to suspect that there was another factor that causes such unresolved pain. In 1999, a research article by R.R. Ji and C.J. Woolf from Harvard Medical School opened a door that would lead to the solution to my suspicion. Fortunately, the proposed mechanism in the article was supported by many other outstanding articles. Over the years, I continued to standardize the molecular mechanism of pain. The most driving key role mechanism was discovered to be altered coupling to signal transduction. These studies were integrated as a basis for theory and technology of Jun’s model and M-puncture. An appropriate therapeutic tool was then developed to utilize this mechanism for pain treatment. In 2004 and 2005, M-puncture (Molecular Targeting by Acupuncture) was developed as the effective therapeutic tool. This book takes a completely different approach from the preceding publications by providing an easy access and understanding of the pain mechanism and technology to medical teaching faculties and clinicians.
The driving force of the main mechanism is reflected in the molecular lesion in nociceptive neuron; therefore, previously existing approaches for pain treatment, both surgical and non-surgical, have had insufficient efficacy in solving lesion.
What mechanisms have pivotal roles to change good, adaptive pain to bad, maladaptive pain resulting in persistent uncontrollable pains?
(raveling axial molecular interpretations of chronic pains)
2. Revealing therapeutic target and tools to solve molecular lesions.
The two key points that will be explained are the following:
To reveal the molecular cause of chronic and persistent pain, also referred to as bad pain by Al Basbaum, a graduate of UC San Francisco and a leader in the field of pain medicine.
2. To develop the therapeutic tool to treat bad pain.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Chapter 1: Pain science
1. Background 012
2. Jun’s Molecular and Molecular Targeting Pain Model 014
New paradigm of pain model for chronic, persistent pain control
Section 1 Pain terms that are essential for understanding M-puncture 018
Section 2 Neural Basis of Pain 030
Section 3 Neurophysiological basis of pain 052
Section 4 Molecular basis of pain 076
3. Key Conceptive Abstracts 102
Chapter 2: Pain Practice
1. Introductory comments about M-puncture and Medical Acupuncture 126
2. Key Conceptive Abstracts 138
Chapter 3: M-puncture
1. M-puncture Theory and Technology 144
a. Descending control (V1, V3, C2, C3, V)
b. Segmental control (PSC, DSC)
2. Key Conceptive Abstracts 182
Chapter 4: Technology of PML targeting for chronic pain
Technology of M-puncture 194
Section 1 Headache 198
Section 2 Neck Pain and Upper Back Pain 210
Section 3 Shoulder Pain 227
Section 4 Lower Back Pain 247
Section 5 Buttock and Back Thigh Pain 255
Section 6 Knee Joint, Thigh Pain 267
Section 7 Elbow Pain 275
Section 8 Ankle Pain 279
Section 9 Other Joint Pain 284
Heel pain, foot pain, wrist pain, shoulder girdle & upper limb anterior chest
Index 293
References 311
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