도서 소개
상품 상세설명
Softcover - 484pages
A complete full-color guide to selecting the correct laboratory test and interpreting the results –- covering the entire field of clinical pathology
Laboratory Medicine is the most comprehensive, user-friendly, and well-illustrated guide available for learning how to order the correct laboratory test and understand the clinical significance of the results. The book features an easy-to-follow, consistent presentation for each disease discussed. Chapters begin with a brief description of the disorder followed by a discussion that includes tables detailing the laboratory evaluation of specific disorders, diagnosis, baseline tests to exclude diagnostic possibilities, and clinical indications that warrant further screening and special testing.
With new, increasingly expensive and complicated tests appearing almost daily, Laboratory Medicine is required reading for students and physicians who want to keep abreast of the latest testing procedures and maximize accuracy and patient safety.
36 clinical laboratory methods presented in easy-to-understand illustrations that include information on the expense and complexity of the assays
More than 200 tables and full-color algorithms that encapsulate important information and facilitate understanding
Full-color blood-smear micrographs that demonstrate common abnormal morphologies of red blood cells
Valuable learning aids in each chapter, including learning objectives, chapter outlines, and a general introduction
Logical systems-based organization that complements most textbooks
13-page table of Clinical Laboratory Reference Values that show the conversions between U.S. and SI units for each value
Coverage that spans ALL of clinical pathology:
Concepts in Laboratory Medicine; Methods, Autoimmune Disorders Involving the Connective Tissue and Immunodeficiency Diseases; Histocompatibility Testing and Transplantation; Infectious Diseases; Toxicology, Diseases of Infancy and Childhood; Blood Vessels; The Heart; Diseases of Red Blood Cells; Bleeding and Thrombotic Disorders; Transfusion Medicine; Diseases of White Blood Cells, Lymph Nodes, and Spleen; The Respiratory System; The Gastrointestinal Tract; The Liver and Biliary Tract; Pancreatic Disorders; The Kidney; Male Genital Tract; Female Genital System; Breast; The Endocrine System.
도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Clinical Laboratory Reference Values
1. Concepts in Laboratory Medicine, Michael Laposata
2. Methods, Michael Laposata
3. Autoimmune Disorders Involving the Connective Tissue and Immunodeficiency Diseases, Mandakolathur R. Murali
4. Histocompatibility Testing and Transplantation, Yash Pal Agrawal and Susan L. Saidman
5. Infectious Diseases, Eric D. Spitzer
6. Toxicology, Sheila Dawling and Michael Laposata
7. Diseases of Infancy and Childhood, Paul Steele
8. Blood Vessels, Michael Laposata
9. The Heart, Fred S. Apple
10. Diseases of Red Blood Cells, Daniel D. Mais
12. Bleeding and Thrombotic Disorders, Elizabeth M. Van Cott and Michael Laaposata
12. Transfusion Medicine, Christopher P. Stowell and Jacqueline J. Haas
13. Diseases of White Blood Cells, Lymph Nodes, and Spleen
14. The Respiratory System, Alison Woodworth
15. The Gastrointestinal Tract, D. Robert Dufour
16. The Liver and Biliary Tract, William E. Winter
17. Pancreatic Disorders, Fritz F. Parl and Michael Laposata
18. The Kidney, William E. Winter
19. Male Genital Tract, D. Robert Dufour
20. Female Genital Tract, Stacy E.F. Melanson
21. Breast, Karin E. Finberg
22. The Endocrine System, Michael Laposata, Samir L. Aleryani, and Alison Woodworth
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