도서 소개
상품 상세설명
This Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology differs from other atlases by the inclusion of clinical detail on diseases of the oral mucosa, gingivae, teeth, salivary glands, jaw bones and joints, and of a wide range of the more obvious extraoral manifestations. It is intended primarily as a pictorial diagnostic aid, both for dental health care professionals, surgeons and physicians, with text that provides a concise synopsis of stomatology.
The previous editions over the past 20 years have been extremely successful and the Atlas has become increasingly popular because of the very wide coverage of oral and maxillofacial diseases and the depth of information contained. Versions have also been published in French, German, and Portuguese.
This fourth edition welcomes a new author and provides one of the most comprehensively illustrated coverages of oral and maxillofacial diseases of which we are aware worldwide. The Atlas had also however become rather large and heavy and therefore it has been revised, updated and re-organised, and some new conditions included. It has been further improved to include better examples of many conditions, particularly additional examples of the more common orofacial conditions or where clinical diagnosis can be difficult because of varied presentations.
Our First Edition presented conditions according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) but this is incomplete and not always helpful in clinical diagnosis. We have here attempted to highlight the more common and/or important conditions by including more text and/or illustrations of these.
Crispian Scully
Director of Special Projects at the UCL-Eastman Dental Institute (EDI); Professor of Special Care Dentistry, University College London; Chairman of International Federation of Oral Medicine; Past-President of European Association of Oral Medicine; President-elect of International Academy of Oral Oncology, member of the Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Member of Council, dental faculty of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and member of International Committee of the American Academy for Oral Medicine. Co-director of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for oral health, disability and culture.
He is also a member of UK Academy of Medical Sciences, a member of National Centre for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) working group on Oral Cancer and advisory subcommittee on CJD, a member of Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE) Dental Research Review Panel, a member of Court of Middlesex University, a Trustee of Mouth Cancer Foundation, and member of Oral Cancer Foundation; Science Advisory Board. He has been for some years, Visiting Professor at the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Edinburgh, Helsinki, Hertfordshire, Middlesex and West of England.
He has written 30 and edited 11 books and > 860 papers cited on MEDLINE plus >300 others; his book Medical Problems in Dentistry was awarded the Doody Prize; and Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine won the Society of Authors Prize and BMA High Commendation. H
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