도서 목차
상품 상세설명
Part 1: Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment
1. Quality of Life as an Indicator for Orthodontic Treatment
B. Prahl-Andersen
2. Patient Compliance in Orthodontic Practice
Pramod K. Sinha
3. Cephalomorphic and Biologic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment
Leonard S. Fishman
4. Occlusal Patterns in Orthodontic Patients: Using the Occlusal Force Measuring System
Yukio Kitafusa
5. 3-D Superimposition for Quantification of Treatment Outcomes
Lucia H.S. Cevidanes, Martin Styner, William R. Proffit
6. Bonding in Orthodontics
Serdar Üsümez, Nejat Erverdi
7. The Implications of Bracket Selection and Bracket Placement on Expressed Tooth
Movement and Finishing Details
Anoop Sondhi
8. Quality Orthodontics: Going Against the Popular Trends
Björn U. Zachrisson
Part 2: Clinical Management of Sagittal and Vertical Discrepancies
9. Functional Treatment Objectives
William J. Clark
10. Hybrid Functional Appliances for Management of Class II Malocclusions
Tarisai Dandajena
11. Class II Combination Therapy: Molar Distalization and Fixed Functionals
Reducing Requirements of Patient Compliance for Predictable Completion of Treatment
S. Jay Bowman
12. Maxillary Deficiency Syndrome
James A. McNamara, Jr.
13. Effective Maxillary Protraction for Class III Patients
Peter Ngan
14. Etiological and Therapeutic Consideration of Open Bite
Kazunori Yamaguchi
15. Efficient Mechanics and Appliances to Correct Vertical Excess and Open Bite Patients
Flavio Andres Uribe, Ravindra Nanda
16. Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment of Deep Bite Malocclusion
Madhur Upadhyay, Ravindra Nanda
Part 3: Management of Adult and Complex Cases
17: Orthodontic Treatment in Adult Patients With Reduced Periodontal Attachment
Julia Harfin
18. Diastemas: Is Permanent Retention Really Necessary?
Thomas F. Mulligan
19. Selective Mechanics in Complex and Compromised Cases
Sunil Kapila, Scott Conley
20. Orthodontics’ Role in Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Richard S. Conley, Harry L. Legan
21. Optimizing Esthetics for the Interdisciplinary Patient
Vincent G. Kokich
22. Temporary Anchorage Devices: Biomechanical Opportunities and Challenges
Bhavna Shroff, Steven J. Lindauer
23. The Use of Microimplants in Orthodontics
Hyo-Sang Park
24. Predictable Distalization of Molars in Nongrowing Patients with Temporary Anchorage
Device Utilizing Titanium Miniplates
25. Rapid Tooth Movement and Effective Anchorage Control by Using Dentoalveolar
Distraction Osteogenesis (DAD)
Haluk Iseri, Gokmen Kurt, Reha Kisnisci
Part 4: Applications of Biomedicine to Orthodontics
26. Mechanotransduction of Orthodontic Forces
Sunil Wadhwa, Ravindra Nanda, Carol Pilbeam
27. Orthodontic Root Resorption
Gregory J. King
28. Restoration of Oral and Craniofacial Defects by Stem Cells and Bioengineering Approaches
Jin Kim, Candice Zemnick, Jeremy Mao
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