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Endodontics: Principles and Practice 6e 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 187,000원 14%↓
  • 판매가 : 160,000원
  • 적립금 : 2,000원
  • 저자명 : Torabinejad 6e
  • 출판사 : Elsevier
  • PAGE : 496
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2020년 06월 29일
  • ISBN : 9780323624367

선택된 옵션

  • 총 금액 :
    주문 수량
보관함 담기위시리스트

도서 소개

상품 상세설명

From renowned endodontics experts Mahmoud Torabinejad, Ashraf Fouad, and Shahrokh Shabahang comes Endodontics: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition. This focused and extensively revised new edition contains all the clinically-relevant information needed to incorporate endodontics into general dentistry practice. Illustrated step-by-step guidelines and vivid online videos address the ins and outs of diagnosis, treatment planning, managing pulpal and periapical diseases, and performing basic root canal treatments. Updated evidence-based coverage also includes topics such as the etiology of disease, local anesthesia, emergency treatment, obturation, and temporization. It's the perfect endodontics guide for both entry-level dental students and general dentists alike.

New to this Edition

  • NEW! Sharper focus on the most clinically relevant content eliminates much of the basic science that you have already studied and focuses on the information and skills that are most-needed during clinical practice.
  • NEW! Fully updated, evidence-based content integrates the best clinical evidence with the practitioner's clinical expertise and the patient's treatment needs and preferences.
  • NEW! Expert Consult access is included via a unique pin-code to make the text relevant for both practitioners and students alike.
  • NEW! Mid-chapter questions check your understanding of the concept before moving onto the next topic.

Key Features

  • Well-known, international contributors share guidelines, expertise, and their clinical experience with contemporary technologies and procedures.
  • Authoritative, visually detailed coverage provides a practical understanding of basic endodontic principles and procedures, including pulpal and periapical diseases and their management.
  • Clinically-relevant organization reflects the order in which procedures are performed in clinical settings, enhancing your understanding of the etiology and treatment of teeth with pulpal and periapical diseases.
  • Over 1,000 full-color illustrations ensure a clear, accurate understanding of procedures, and include radiographs and clinical photographs.
  • Learning objectives help you meet the theoretical and procedural expectations for each chapter.
  • More than 67 video clips located on the companion website demonstrate essential procedures.

도서 목차

상품 상세설명

1 Pathogenesis of Pulp and Periapical Diseases
2 Systemic Health Considerations in the Endodontic Patient and Geriatric Endodontics
3 Endodontic Radiology
4 Endodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
5 Differential Diagnosis of Pain and Radiolucencies of Non-Pulpal Origin
6 Endodontic Case Complexity and Working with the Specialist
7 Endodontic Armamentarium
8 Local Anesthesia
9 Endodontic Emergencies and Therapeutics
10 Management of the Vital Pulp and of Immature Teeth
11 Management of Traumatic Dental Injuries
12 Root Canal Anatomy
13 Isolation, Access Preparation, Working Length Determination
14 Cleaning and Shaping, Intra-canal Medications
15 Obturation and Temporization
16 Restoration of Endodontically-Treated Teeth
17 Bleaching Discolored Nonvital Teeth
18 Procedural Accidents
19 Non-Surgical Retreatment
20 Apical Microsurgery
21 Adjunctive Surgical Procedures
22 Endodontic Treatment Outcomes
Appendix: Pulpal Anatomy and Access Preparations


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