One of the world's best-known texts on pharmaceutics, Aulton's Pharmaceutics offers a complete course in one book for students in all years of undergraduate pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences degrees. Thoroughly revised, updated and extended by experts in their fields and edited by Professors Kevin Taylor and Michael Aulton, this new edition includes the science of formulation, pharmaceutical manufacturing and drug delivery. All aspects of pharmaceutics are covered in a clear and accessible way and extensively illustrated, providing an essential companion to the entire pharmaceutics curriculum from day one until the end of the course.
1: Design of dosage forms
2: Dissolution and solubility
3: Properties of solutions
4: Surfaces and interfaces
5: Disperse systems
6: Rheology
7: Kinetics
8: Solid-state properties
9: Particle size analysis
10: Particle size reduction and size separation
11: Mixing
12: Powder flow
13: Fundamentals of microbiology
14: Pharmaceutical applications of microbiological techniques
15: Action of physical and chemical agents on microorganisms
16: Principles of sterilization
17: Sterilization in practice
18: Introduction to biopharmaceutics
19: Gastrointestinal tract – physiology and drug absorption
20: Bioavailability – physicochemical, dosage form and formulation factors
21: Assessment of biopharmaceutical properties
22: Dosage regimens
23: Pharmaceutical preformulation
24: Solutions
25: Clarification
26: Suspensions
27: Emulsions and creams
28: Ointments, pastes, gels, cutaneous patches and topical sprays
29: Powders, granules and granulation
30: Drying
31: Tablets and compaction
32: Modified-release oral drug delivery
33: Coating of tablets and multiparticulates
34: Continuous manufacturing of tablets
35: Hard capsules
36: Soft capsules
37: Dissolution testing of solid dosage forms
38: Parenteral drug delivery
39: Pulmonary drug delivery
40: Nasal drug delivery
41: Ocular drug delivery
42: Otic drug delivery
43: Topical and transdermal drug delivery
44: Rectal and vaginal drug delivery
45: Preparation and delivery of biopharmaceuticals
46: Pharmaceutical nanotechnology and nanomedicines
47: Radiopharmaceuticals
48: The formulation and manufacture of plant medicines
49: Design and administration of medicines for paediatric and geriatric patients
50: Packaging
51: Chemical stability in dosage forms
52: Microbial contamination, spoilage and preservation of medicines
53: Product stability and stability testing
54: Pharmaceutical quality: The Application of Pharmaceutics in Medicines Regulation
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