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Contemporary TAD-Facilitated Non-Extraction Orthodontics 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 정가 : 180,000원 10%↓
  • 판매가 : 162,000원
  • 적립금 : 2,000원
  • 저자명 : Yoon-Ah Kook (국윤아)
  • 출판사 : 군자출판사
  • PAGE : 376
  • 배송비 : 주문시 결제
  • 발행일 : 2024-05-20
  • ISBN : 9791170683339

선택된 옵션

  • 총 금액 :
    주문 수량
보관함 담기위시리스트

도서 소개

상품 상세설명

This comprehensive guide, Contemporary TAD-Facilitated Non-Extraction Orthodontics, provides a detailed overview of non-extraction orthodontic treatment, featuring a wide range of clinical cases, treatment plans, and outcomes through full-color photographs and illustrations. The book offers an in-depth exploration of non-extraction orthodontic treatment with a particular focus on the use of the Modified C-Palatal Plate (MCPP) appliance. 

It covers a range of topics from paradigm shifts in orthodontic approaches to detailed discussions on the biomechanics of tooth movement with MCPP, its historical and technological advances, and its integration with 3D printing and clear aligner therapy. It also discusses clinical applications, changes in skeletal and dental structures following MCPP therapy, and offers practical guidelines for its implementation. 

This book provides comprehensive insight into treatment strategies, long-term stability and clinical outcomes of non-extraction orthodontic practices. In addition, the content is supplemented with QR code-accessible videos that enhance the learning experience by providing visual demonstrations of the techniques discussed. 

• Comprehensive coverage of non-extraction orthodontics with an emphasis on MCPP and PRA

• Introduction to the innovative MCPP appliance for maximum anchorage stability and 3D digital applications using CAD/CAM and 3D printing

• In-depth discussions of treatment strategies using clear aligners and MCPP

• Abundant clinical tips and tricks demonstrated in videos accessible via QR codes

도서 목차

상품 상세설명




01 Non-extraction orthodontic treatment

1‒1. Paradigm shift in non-extraction orthodontics 

1‒2. Treatment modalities for resolving arch length discrepancy 

1‒3. MCPP for molar distalization 

1‒4. Rationale and advantages of MCPP 

1‒5. Clinicians FAQ on non-extraction orthodontics 

02 Modified C-palatal Plate Appliance

2‒1. MCPP and palatal retraction arch (PRA) 

2‒2. MCPP: past and present 

2‒3. Biomechanics of tooth movement using MCPP 

2‒4. Indications of MCPP 

2‒5. Phonetics and MCPP 

03 Palatal Anatomy and MCPP Placement

3‒1. Characteristics of the palatal anatomy 

3‒2. Safety zones for the MCPP placement 

3‒3. Distalization and root resorption of teeth with maxillary sinus pneumatization 

3‒4. MCPP placement 

3‒5. Pre and post-operative management 

04 3D printed PRA and MCPP jig

4‒1. 3D printed PRA using CAD/CAM 

4‒2. 3D printed MCPP Jig 

4‒3. MCPP using 3D printing 

05 Clear aligner therapy and MCPP

5‒1. Clear aligner therapy with MCPP 

5‒2. Non-extraction treatment strategy for clear aligner therapy 

5‒3. Applications of HYBLIGN clear aligners 

5‒4. New approach in non-extraction treatment strategy through clear aligners 

5‒5. Distalization via MCPP and direct printed aligner: concept 

06 Skeletal changes after MCPP therapy in adolescent patients

6‒1. Class II malocclusion treatment via the MCPP 

6‒2. Orthopedic effects of MCPP in Class II malocclusion 

6‒3. Class III malocclusion and treatment using Class III palatal plate 

6‒4. Orthopedic effect of Class III palatal plate in Class III malocclusion 

6‒5. Class III palatal plate for maxilla protraction in Class III malocclusion 

07 Positional changes of posterior teeth after MCPP application in adolescents

7‒1. Positional changes of unerupted maxillary molars 

7‒2. Positional changes of unerupted mandibular third molar 

08 Biomechanics of non-extraction orthodontics: treatment strategies

8‒1. Class I malocclusion 

8‒2. Class II malocclusion 

8‒3. Class III malocclusion 

8‒4. Overbite 

8‒5. Open bite 

09 Non-extraction treatment of crowding

9‒1. Treatment strategy to relieve crowding 

9‒2. Maximum correction of crowding with non-extraction treatment 

9‒3. Guideline for non-extraction treatment of crowding 

10 Non-extraction treatment of protrusion

10‒1. Treatment strategies for correcting bimaxillary protrusion 

10‒2. Maximum amount of distalization with non-extraction treatment 

10‒3. Counteracting torque loss in the maxillary anterior teeth 

11 Clinical cases of MCPP application

11‒1. MCPP with orthodontic and orthopedic treatment 

11‒2. Treatment via MCPP for blocked out lateral incisor 

11‒3. Treatment via MCPP for impacted canine 

11‒4. Treatment via MCPP for impacted second premolar 

11‒5. Treatment via MCPP to regain space for implant placement 

11‒6. MCPP with lingual orthodontics 

11‒7. MCPP with surgical orthodontics 

12 Stability of non-extraction orthodontics

12‒1. Stability of molar distalization 

12‒2. Long-term stability of anterior teeth position in a severe protrusion case 

12‒3. Total arch distalization and the airway space 

13 Clinical tips for simple and easy MCPP application

13‒1. How to explain the MCPP to patients 

13‒2. MCPP in elderly patients 

13‒3. Simple and easy MCPP application 

13‒4. MCPP adaptation and placement 

13‒5. Force application and adjustment of PRA 

13‒6. Prevention of mandibular molar gingival impingement 

13‒7. Posterior transverse discrepancy 

13‒8. Considerations when removing the MCPP 


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